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Online Program: Aeroacoustics – Design, Analysis and Verification

Online Program: Aeroacoustics – Design, Analysis and Verification

In this highly practical program, you will gain cutting-edge knowledge of aeroacoustics, enabling you to reliably measure, verify, and predict acoustic performance using both experimental and computational techniques. Additionally, you will learn to develop effective noise reduction strategies.

This flexible online program can be accessed 24/7 anywhere in the world and includes special lectures and materials provided by leading companies. Participants also gain access to online tools and resources, allowing them to tailor formulations to their specific test cases while receiving personalized advice and feedback throughout.

For more information and to enroll, visit:

About TU Delft
The Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is ranked among the top universities globally. Our Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, the leading faculty of its kind in Europe, offers courses proven invaluable for both experienced and junior engineers, as well as professionals across various industries seeking to broaden their skillset, transition careers, or acquire advanced qualifications.


Event Type: Training Course
City: Online
Country: Online
Date: 5 Feb 2025