Dynamic Simulation of Electromechanical Systems Based on a Uniform Mathematical Model
H. Freudenberg, P. Maißer (Institute of Mechatronics at the Chemnitz University of Technology)
Hardware Software Co-simulation of Mechatronic Systems
H. O. Pilsan (Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences)
Simulation and Animation of Electromechanical Systems, Applications and Development
P. J. van Duijsen (Simulation Research); P. Bauer (Delft University of Technology)
Combination of Simulation and Optimization in the Design of Electromechanical Systems
H. Landes (WisSoft); F. Vogel, W. Rathmann (inuTech GmbH)
3D Motion in Magnetic Actuator Modelling
P. Lombard, R. Ruiz, C. Guérin, S. C. Belliard (Cedrat S.A.); V. Leconte, Christian Bataille (Schneider Electric S.A.); M. Anders (Maccon GmbH)
Advanced EM Simulation for Today’s Engineering Electromagnetics
A. Scott (CST GmbH)
Electro-Mechanical Analysis with Permas
W. Möhring, R. Helfrich (Intes GmbH)
Comparison of Different FE Calculation Methods for the Electromagnetic Torque of PM Machines
D. Gerling (Institute for Electrical Drives, University of Federal Defense Munich)
Electromagnetic Calculations for a Superconducting 4 MVA Machine
M. Wilke, P. Henninger, K. Schleicher (Siemens AG)
Simulation of a Transverse Flux Machine in Flat Magnet Configuration with FLUX2D and FLUX3D
J. Schüttler, B. Orlik (Institute for Electrical Drives, Power Electronics and Devices, University of Bremen)
Design and Simulation of Permanent Magnet Stepping Motors
M. Klöpzig, V. V. Popov (Precision Motors Deutsche Minebea (PM° DM))
Measuring and Simulation of Small Electromechanical Motorsystems
J. Missun (Siemens VDO Automotive)
Synthesis & Optimization of Stepper Motor Control Functions for Sheet Adjustment “on the fly” in High Speed Digital Printers
U. Barthold (Cadfem GmbH)
Numerical Investigation of Piezoelectric Actuators of the Type AFC/MFC
R. Paradies (Empa)
Modeling and Finite Element Simulation of Dielectric Elastomer Actuators
M. Wissler, E. Mazza (Empa)
Dynamic Simulation of an ABC Magnetic Valve
D. Gospodaric, J. Böhling (Trimerics GmbH)
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