Correlations between and Interrelationships of the Fracture Behaviours of Isotropic Materials, Unidirectional Composites, and Woven Fabrics
Ralf Cuntze, MAN-Technologie AG
Meso-Mechanical Modelling of Fibre Metal Laminates
Peter Middendorf, EADS Corporate Research Centre
Experiences with the Cohesive Element at simulation of adhesive layer delamination
Ulrich Barthold, CADFEM GmbH
I mplementation of Modern Material Models in ABAQUS
Fengming Zhou, ABAQUS Deutschland GmbH
MF GenYld + CrachFEM – A Modular Material and Failure Model for Structural Materials to be Used in Metal Forming and Crash Simulations
Helmut Gese, MATFEM Partnerschaft Dr. Gese&Oberhofer
Strength analysis of seat parts under consideration of the ductile failure of metallic materials
Alexei Ovseenko, C. Rob. Hammerstein GmbH
New developments in connection modeling for bodies in white: Spotweld and adhesive connections in crash analysis with LS-DYNA
A. Haufe, DYNAmore GmbH
Material Parameters for the Simulation of Crack Development in GMT Plates during Tension and
Bending Failure
Peter Fritzsche, FH Nordwestschweiz
Influence of material description on crash simulation results
Stefan Dominico, Ingenieurbüro Huß & Feickert
Simulation of damage mechanisms in multi-layered composites on the basis of physically founded and established failure criteria
Andreas Freund, Institute of Lightweight Structures and Polymer Technology
FEM Analysis of Large Deformations and Fracture Behavior of Single Crystal Silicon Structures by Means of Molecular Potentials
Ondrej Papes, Center of Mechanics, Institute of Mechanical Systems
Failure analysis of metallic and composite structures with SAMCEF
Patrick Morelle, SAMTECH s.a.
A Material Model Representing Inelasticity of Elastomers
Herbert Baaser, Freudenberg Forschungsdienste KG
On the Modelling of Ageing on Rubbery Materials
Manfred Achenbach, Parker Hannifin GmbH & Co. KG
Sandwich-Representation of a Sponge Rubber Product
I. Iovtchev, St. Staus
The effect of internal pressure on the wear of PTFE seals: a conceptual modelling approach in ABAQUS
Pieter Pennings, Parker Hannifin Seal Group Europe
Multiscale analysis of heterogeneous materials
Volker Schulz, Fraunhofer-Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik
Methods for modeling the grain structure within the dimensioning process of micro components
Hans-Georg Enkler, IPEK – Institute of Product Development
Numerical simulation of localization phenomena in the frame of damage parameter identification
Marcel Springmann, BTU Cottbus
Cast Irons for Diesel Cylinder Heads: Modeling, Failure Analysis and Trends
Taner Gocmez, Institute for Internal Combustion Engines (VKA)
Ultimate load and failure mechanism of T-butt welds with partial penetration and weld discontinuities
Wolfram Hölbling, Versuchsanstalt für Stahl
Judging formability in sheet forming simulations using strain path (in)dependent forming limits
Daniela Kitting, Vif Kompetenzzentrum – Das virtuelle Fahrzeug Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
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