Latest information:
21 July: Manuscript of Dr. Krüger (NIA) is now available - please download pdf in agenda below.
Prediction and simulation of failure has a growing importance since designing against ultimate and fatigue strength should be predicted more precisely, as testing is expensive. Including more simulation shortens design time which often is an important parameter. A more accurate prediction of the ultimate and fatigue strength can also lead to more optimized designs.
Many materials, such as plastic and fiber composites, have a large residual strength after the material has started to yield or fail and if controlled yielding or failure growth can be allowed in extreme cases then there is a big potential to include this residual strength. Elements which allow failure growth are recently implemented in commercial FE-Software packages, which will be presented at the seminar.
Also advanced 3D criteria have been developed and implemented in commercial FE-software packages over the last decade. These criteria can often predict when failure starts to grow and the following failure simulation will predict whether the cracks developed in an uncontrolled manner. If this is the case the ultimate strength is reached but often there is a large residual strength available.
For many materials, such as fiber composites, adhesives, concrete, plastic etc. there are flaws, voids and heterogeneous quality which makes a potential crack growth prone to start and in these cases strain and stress based criteria are not sufficient and a fracture mechanic approach is needed.
The seminar is intended as a forum for experts in the area of prediction and modelling of failure by using FEA. The event is accompanied by an exhibition of engineering software, computer systems, and related consultancy services. A comprehensive review of the current state-of-the-art and trends as well as of future challenges will thus be accessible to participants.
Find Moelholt Jensen
(Risø National Laboratory, Denmark)
Member of the NAFEMS Nordic Steering Committee and technical coordinator of this seminar.
10:00 Optional: Guided tour through Risø National Laboratory
12:00 Registration
13:00 Welcome and NAFEMS Presentation
F. M. Jensen (Risø National Laboratory, DK)
A. Oswald (NAFEMS Nordic)
13:20 Invited Speaker: Delamination Modelling Using Interface Elements
J. Ankersen (Imperial College London, UK)
13:50 Invited Speaker: Some Applications of Interface Elements to Material and Structural Failure Prediction
S. R. Hallett, W. Jiang, T. Garstka, M. R. Wisnom (University of Bristol, UK)
14:20 Interface Modeling – a Modular Approach to Identify and Assess Unintended Product Behavior
U. Sellgren (KTH Stockholm, S)
14:40 Modelling Fracture & Failure with Abaqus
J. Granlund (Abaqus Scandinavia, S)
15:00 Coffee break
15:40 Keynote Presentation: Finite Element Modelling of Fracture in Composites: Current Status and Future Developments
P. Camanho (University of Porto, PT)
16:20 Manufacturability and Durability of a Large Composite Blade
G. Abumeri, F. Abdi (Alpha STAR Corp., USA)
16:40 Failure Prediction of In-plane Loaded Sandwich Components
J. Jakobsen, M. Johannes, E. Bozhevolnaya (Aalborg University, DK)
17:00 A FEA-Based Design Study to Control Run-time Truck Rear Axle Gearbox Oil-leakage
U. Sellgren, T. Lööf, F. Videll (KTH Stockholm, S);
R. Fredriksson (Scania, S)
17:20 Sponsor presentation: Seven Steps to Faster CAE Cycle Times
R. J. Leitheiser (IBM Deutschland GmbH, D)
17:40 Beverages & Snacks in the hardware and software exhibition
09:00 Keynote Presentation: Computational Fracture Mechanics for Composites – State of the Art and Challenges
R. Krüger (National Institute of Aerospace (NIA), USA)
09:40 Cohesive Interface Modeling in Civil Engineering – Materials and Structures.
H. Stang (University of Denmark, DK)
10:00 Damage Mechanics – Constitutive Models, Implementation into FEA and Parameter Identification
D. Steglich (GKSS Research Center, D)
10:20 Coffee break
11.00 Predicting Crack Growth Using FEM Data
J. M. W. Baynham, S. Mellings, R. A. Adey (Computational Mechanics Beasy, UK)
11:20 Modeling Failure in Cross-Section of Wind Turbine Blade
K. Branner (Risø National Laboratory, DK)
11:40 Simulation of an Accident within the Containment Hull of a Neutron Production Facility
K. Samec (Paul Scherrer Institut, CH)
12:00 Practical Fracture Mechanics Prediction in Transition Conditions - Linear Elastic to Non-linear Approaches
P. Ekedahl (Volvo Aero Corporation, S)
12:20 Lunch
13:50 Invited Speaker: Damage Assessment and Damage Tolerance of FRP Structures in Ships and other Applications
B. Hayman (Det Norske Veritas and University of Oslo, N)
14:20 On the more Reliable Introduction of the Residual Stresses in the Thermo-mechanical Analysis of Layered Structures
D. Mijuca (University of Belgrade, SER)
14:40 Reusing CAD-models of Die-cast Products for FEA
R. Stolt (Jönköping University, S)
15:00 Optimization of FRP Compression Test Coupons by FE-Modelling
K. Eriksen, J. I. Bech (Risø National Laboratory, DK)
15:20 Summary and Farewell
F. M. Jensen (Risø National Laboratory, DK)
A. Oswald (NAFEMS Nordic)
15:30 Closure
Risø National Laboratory
Frederiksborgvej 399, DK-4000 Roskilde
Tel +45 4677 4677, Fax +45 4677 5688
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