Engineering simulation can rightly be regarded as one of the success stories of recent decades. However, whilst the business benefits of simulation are real, and being enjoyed by a multitude of organisations in almost all industry sectors, there are companies not using numerical simulation in their product development process. Furthermore it is anticipated that most organisations only use 20% of their application software functionality.
This event is designed to provide participants with an informative overview of how numerical simulation can be used and how NAFEMS can help to improve product and process simulation and how NAFEMS can have a positive impact on quality, profitability, schedules und safety.
09:00 Welcome
Geir Horrigmoe (Norut Technology Ltd)
- Chairman of the NAFEMS Nordic Steering Committee,
Niels Lerke (Nokia Mobile Phones)
- Vice-Chairman of the NAFEMS Nordic Steering Committee,
Roger Oswald (NAFEMS Nordic)
09:15 Introduction to NAFEMS
Tim Morris (CEO, NAFEMS)
09:45 The Business Benefits of Numerical Simulation Methods (FEM, CFD, MBS, …)
Vijay Sharan (Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications)
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Use of Numerical Simulation Technology at
Volvo Aero Corporation
Per Ekedahl (Volvo Aero Corporation)
11:30 Use of Numerical Simulation Technology at Novo Nordisk
Torben Strøm Hansen (Novo Nordisk)
12:00 Benefits of NAFEMS Membership - Questions & Answers
SC representatives, Tim Morris, Roger Oswald
12:30 Farewell
Tim Morris
12:30 Individual discussions with software and hardware vendors and members of the NAFEMS Nordic Steering Committee
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