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Practical CFD Analysis


Practical CFD Analysis

NAFEMS Webinar Series

Flow problems can be found in nearly all parts of industry. The webinar shows why the simulation of flows can help to improve the product development. We will discuss advantages and disadvantages we are facing in running CFD simulations. Finally, a detailed presentation of the contents of the course “Practical CFD Analysis” will be given.

This webinar will address:

  • Why simulations?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of CFD simulations
  • Contents of course “Practical CFD Analysis”

Add value to your product or company by attending this FREE webinar.


Welcome & Introduction

Matthew Ladzinski, NAFEMS North America & Roger Oswald, NAFEMS DACH & Nordic Countries

Practical CFD Analysis

Prof. Uwe Janoske, University of Cooperative Education, Mosbach

Q & A Session



(Members Only)



(Note: This broadcast is part of the NAFEMS vendor series that allows various solutions providers the opportunity to deliver technical information to the NAFEMS community. NAFEMS does not endorse any vendor, but tries to provide an unbiased view of the marketplace.

Webinar Presenters

Prof. Uwe Janoske Ph.D.


Prof. Uwe Janoske Ph.D.Uwe Janoske has over 15 years of combined teaching, research and industrial experience in CAE applications with a focus on CFD. Uwe Janoske is head of the department of Virtual Engineering at the University of Cooperative Education in Mosbach and director of the Steinbeis transfer centre “Simulation in mechanical and process engineering”.


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