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Complexity in the Industry

NAFEMS Webinar Series

Complexity in the Industry


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Webinar Recording

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(Note: This broadcast is part of the NAFEMS vendor series that allows various solutions providers the opportunity to deliver technical information to the NAFEMS community. NAFEMS does not endorse any vendor, but tries to provide an unbiased view of the marketplace.)

Complexity in the Industry

The webinar will introduce the concept of complexity, which is defined as a function of structure and entropy. It is shown how this approach allows to establish a metric which possesses a maximum value known as "critical complexity". In the proximity of critical complexity dynamical systems possess a large number of possible modes of behaviour and are therefore characterized by the capacity to deliver surprising behaviour. Based on this concept, it is shown how critically complex systems are more exposed in terms of risk and are more difficult to manage and control. The "state of health", or robustness, of a generic system may be inferred based on its distance from criticality. Numerous industrial examples of application are shown from fields such as engineering, banking, economics and medicine.


Welcome & Introduction

Matthew Ladzinski, NAFEMS North America

Complexity in the Industry

Dr. Jacek Marczyk, Ontonix

Q & A Session


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Webinar Presenters

Dr. Jacek Marczyk

Dr. Jacek MarczykDr. Marczyk has twenty-five years of experience in Computer-Aided Engineering, gained in the aerospace, automotive and off-shore industries. He holds an MS in Aeronautics Engineering, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy, MS in Aerospace Engineering, Polytechnic of Turin, and a Ph.D in Civil Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona. In the past ten years he has developed and introduced to the industry the first commercial software system for large-scale stochastic simulation, ST-ORM. In the period 2002-2003, he led the development of MSC's Robust Design, an award winning second-generation stochastic simulation environment which has been released in October 2003. He has actively pioneered innovative methodologies and approaches to stochastic mechanics, with particular emphasis on building realistic models and stochastic model validation. He has published four books on stochastic and nonlinear mechanics and numerous papers. During his twenty-five year career, he has worked for companies such as EADS/CASA, BMW, Centric Engineering Systems, ESI, Silicon Graphics, EASi Engineering, Tecnomare and MSC Software.
In 2005 he founded Ontonix LLC, of which he is also the Chief Technical Officer.