(NAFEMS Members Access)
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This webinar is best suited for current users of CFD, working in the Oil & Gas, Energy, Microelectronics and Materials sectors.Agenda
Welcome & Introduction
Matthew Ladzinski, NAFEMS North America
Contributing to the Bottom Line with Computer Modeling Masha V. Petrova, Ph.D., MVP Modeling Soltuions, LLC
Q & A Session
Dr. Masha Petrova is the founder and CEO of MVP Modeling Solutions, LLC – a company dedicated to providing information and training to the reactive flow modeling and simulation community. She is also the creator of Successful Unemployment Toolkit™ for Engineers and Scientists.
After receiving her Ph.D. from the University of California at San Diego, she went to work in industry as a development engineer at Reaction Design, a software company in San Diego, California. She then transitioned from the research and development group to sales and marketing, where she became the go-to technical person for the company’s customers and distributors. She later went on to found MVP Modeling Solutions.
She has created and taught courses on the computer simulation of reactive flows and trained professionals all over the globe, including the U.S., Canada, China, Japan and Germany. She has published papers in peer-reviewed journals and presented technical talks at conferences such as International Symposium on Combustion, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Turbo Expo, Society of Automotive Engineers, and American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit.
She is a co-founder of the Women in Combustion group, and an active member the Society of Automotive Engineers and Toastmasters International. She is a featured speaker and a course instructor for the American Chemical Society.
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