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Pathway to Future CAE Technologies and their Role in Ambient Intelligent Environments

Pathway to Future CAE Technologies and their Role in Ambient Intelligent Environments

NAFEMS Webinar Series


Dramatic improvements are on the horizon in CAE and simulation technologies. The improvements are due to, in part, to the development in a number of leading-edge technologies and their synergistic combinations / convergence. The technologies include ubiquitous, cloud, and petascale computing, ultra high-bandwidth networks, pervasive wireless communication, knowledge-based engineering, networked immersive virtual environments, and powerful game engines and facilities.

The presentation will describe the frontiers, and the future, of CAE and simulation technologies and their role in virtual product creation and learning environments. The environments will be ambient intelligent environments, incorporating a synergistic combination of novel agent-supported visual simulation, CAE, CAx, management tools and facilities (with cognitive learning and understanding abilities); nontraditional methods; Massively multiplayer online role-playing game(MMORPG) tools; immersive displays; and multimodal, human-like interfaces.

The facilities in the learning environment will provide timely, engaging, personalized and tailored visual learning. The virtual product creation environment will significantly enhance the productivity and stimulate creativity and innovation in future global virtual collaborative enterprises.



Welcome & Introduction

Matthew Ladzinski, NAFEMS North America


Pathway to Future CAE Technologies and their Role in Ambient Intelligent Environments

Prof. Ahmed Noor, Old Dominion University


Q & A Session

Prof. Ahmed Noor, Old Dominion University



Note: Presentation slides are not available for this webinar.



(Members Only )





Webinar Presenters

Prof. Ahmed Noor
Old Dominion University

Dr. Ahmed NoorEminent Scholar and William E. Lobeck Professor of Aerospace Engineering, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA. He is also the Director of the Old Dominion University’s Center for Advanced Engineering Environments (CAEE) , funded by NASA in Hampton, Virginia. He is also adjunct Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, and the Florida Space Research Institute Distinguished Scholar of Advanced Learning Systems. He taught at Stanford University, Cairo University (Egypt), University of Baghdad (Iraq), the University of New South Wales (Australia), George Washington University and the University of Virginia before joining Old Dominion University.

He is a Fellow of the National Institute of Aerospace (NIA) and of five professional societies: the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Academy of Mechanics, and the U.S. Association for Computational Mechanics. He is a Founding Member of both the International and U.S. Associations of Computational Mechanics, and is a Past President of USACM.

His current professional activities focus on intelligent design and synthesis environments, advanced learning technologies, aerospace structures, structural and computational mechanics, multiscale modeling, simulation and visualization, and new computing systems.

For more information on the Center for Advanced Engineering Environments (CAEE), download the CAEE flyer, or visit the CAEE website .