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10 Ways to Increase Your Value in the Engineering Industry

10 Ways to Increase Your Value in the Engineering Industry


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Webinar Recording

(NAFEMS Member access)

So you got laid off. As did thousands of other highly qualified scientists and engineers. What can you do to stand out of the crowd while looking for your next job? What will you do in case your one-month layoff stretches into six months or a year? How can you make yourself more qualified and more appealing to future employers while being unemployed?

During this talk, Dr. Masha Petrova will give you 10 specific action items that you can do while searching for your next job, that will dramatically improve your resume, greatly increase your interviewing skills, provide many more opportunities for employment and set you apart from the rest of the job seekers in your field. Come prepared to take your professional skills to the next level.


“Dr. Masha Petrova presented Successful Employment at the SAE 2009 World Congress Career Development Session.Her energized method of speaking captured the attendee’s attention and enthused them to become interactive in the session.

- Martha Schanno - Recruitment Services Manager, SAE International

“Dr. Petrova’s lecture on “10 Ways to Increase Your Professional Value” has given me additional tools, that I have put to work and I have seen immediate results.”

- Deric Frisch - Program Manager, EMCON Technologies

“Masha’s talk, titled “Successful Unemployment” at the Delaware ACS Career Seminar, was well received by many college students and chemistry professionals. Her talk provides very specific steps that the attendees could start implementing immediately. Her suggestions were highly valuable to those who are looking for jobs. I highly recommend working with Masha.”

- Kai Qi - 2009 Chair of the Delaware Section of American Chemical Society


Welcome & Introduction
Matthew Ladzinski, NAFEMS North America

Successful Employment for Engineers Masha V. Petrova, Ph.D., MVP Modeling Solutions, LLC

Q & A Session




Webinar Presenter

Masha V. Petrova, PH.D.

MASHA V. PETROVA, PH.D.Dr. Masha Petrova is the founder and CEO of MVP Modeling Solutions, LLC – a company dedicated to providing information and training to the reactive flow modeling and simulation community. She is also the creator of Successful Unemployment Toolkit™ for Engineers and Scientists.

After receiving her Ph.D. from the University of California at San Diego, she went to work in industry as a development engineer at Reaction Design, a software company in San Diego, California. She then transitioned from the research and development group to sales and marketing, where she became the go-to technical person for the company’s customers and distributors. She later went on to found MVP Modeling Solutions.

She has created and taught courses on the computer simulation of reactive flows and trained professionals all over the globe, including the U.S., Canada, China, Japan and Germany. She has published papers in peer-reviewed journals and presented technical talks at conferences such as International Symposium on Combustion, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Turbo Expo, Society of Automotive Engineers, and American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit.

She is a co-founder of the Women in Combustion group, and an active member the Society of Automotive Engineers and Toastmasters International. She is a featured speaker and a course instructor for the American Chemical Society.