Modal Analysis - Theory, Experiments and Applications in New Product Development. Whether it is automotive industry or aerospace industry, there is a certain Moore's Law that accelerates the rate of launch of new products. The product designers are under increasing pressure to launch the best quality products faster and under strict budgets. In the automotive, aerospace and many other industries, new products are developed and tested to meet the harsh real world load conditions. These products are subjected to dynamic loading conditions while in service.
It is a well known fact that simulation and Experimental testing go hand in hand in the development of new products. Simulation or virtual prototyping can provide significant cost and time savings if used correctly. At the same time, experimentation cannot be completely eliminated. Modal Analysis is one of the tools a designer uses to develop and analyze new product designs. Modal analysis can be performed both through simulation and experimentation. There are various aspects of Modal Analysis one needs to understand to use the tool effectively to design new products.
Mr. Dhanushkodi .D.M
Managing Director & CEO
TechPassion Technologies Pvt. Ltd
Dhanushkodi earned a B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. He did his graduate studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and earned Masters in Mechanical Engineering. His graduate thesis involved the design and development of high speed positioning systems with applications in semiconductor and machine tool industry. His bachelors thesis led to the development of a custom built finite element software for analyzing rotating machinery using the cyclic symmetry. This led to a journal publication in the "Advances in Engineering Software".
He worked as a Research Engineer at the General Electric Global Research Center before founding Tech Passion Technologies Private Limited. At GE, he worked on research projects and product development programs in industries spanning automotive, locomotive, and medical imaging. He, along with his colleagues at MIT has developed a methodology of system identification of precision machines using Modal analysis approach.
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