CFD is widely applied in engineering design, safety analysis and environmental assessments, in which it is being used to simulate increasingly complex flows. The focus of this seminar was an important class of complex flows which pose considerable technical challenges: multi-phase and free-surface flows.
The seminar brought together current and potential users of CFD who presented and discussed methodologies to obtain reliable and consistent results for this class of complex flows. The seminar also illustrated best practice in CFD, as well highlighting findings which have wider relevance and impact.
This event was the fourth joint seminar on this theme co-organised by NAFEMS and ERCOFTAC. It follows successful seminars in March 2004, September 2005 and March 2007.
Modelling and Numerical Prediction of Dispered Multiphase Flows in the Frame of the Euler/Lagrange Approach: Importance of Relevant Elementary Processes in Different Flow Situations
Keynote speaker: Prof Martin Sommerfeld, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Applying Multiphase CFD to Waste Water Systems
Dr David Burt, MMI Engineering Ltd
Development and Application of CFD Models for Industrial Multiphase Flows
Dr Simon Lo, CD-adapco
Modelling Spills of Highly Flammable Liquids
Dr Mat Ivings, Health & Safety Laboratory
Dam SPH: Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics for Dam Spills
Dr Frazer Pearce, University of Nottingham
Free Surface Flow Modelling for Hydraulic Structures
Dr Amanda Chapman & Dr David Robinson, HR Wallingford
Some Aspects of Numerical and Physical Modelling for Reliable Multiphase CFD
Christiane Montavon, ANSYS Europe Ltd.
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