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A Common Sense Approach to Stress Analysis and Finite Element Modeling

NAFEMS Webinar Series

A Common Sense Approach to Stress Analysis and Finite Element Modeling

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Webinar Recording

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(Note: This broadcast is part of the NAFEMS vendor series that allows various solutions providers the opportunity to deliver technical information to the NAFEMS community. NAFEMS does not endorse any vendor, but tries to provide an unbiased view of the marketplace.)

It is often said that "common sense is not that common" - so true in life and so true when it comes to engineering. Good, common-sense engineer-types are what industry needs. We should not chase a super accurate result when we do not know the accuracy of the loading, the material properties, or any of the other many inputs. Numerous approximate runs (or calculations) are to be preferred over one supposedly accurate run which stands entirely on its own without anything to compare with it.

We can apply common sense to our hand calculations. Given that these calculations are run in parallel to our FEA, then we have the safety and comfort of knowing that the hand calculation needs to be a ball-park solution and not some master piece in applied mechanics.

The same common-sense approach can be applied to our FEA work.

This webinar addressed:

  • modern-day balance between hand calculations and FEA
  • provide a number of "must-have" formulas for simple stress analysis
  • summary of free-body diagrams to underpin stress analysis methods
  • practical advice for the best use of FEA for realistic solutions
  • constraint method that gives minimal support and worst-case stresses



Welcome & Introduction
Matthew Ladzinski, NAFEMS North America

A Common Sense Approach to Stress Analysis and Finite Element Modeling
Bob Johnson, DAMT Ltd.

Q & A Session



Webinar Presenter

Bob JohnsonBob Johnson has presented courses on behalf of NAFEMS for over 10 years, and is recognized as one of the leading figures in the engineering analysis community in the UK. Bob is a well-respected consultant with a wealth of industrial experience.

His lively presentation style puts over the key concepts in a manner which involves participants fully in the course material.

He is also a qualified NAFEMS Registered Analyst at Advanced Level. In addition to being a regular contributor at international conferences, Bob is also a member of the NAFEMS Education & Training Working Group and Technical Editor of the BENCHmark magazine .


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