What is V&V?
NAFEMS and ASME (American Society of Mechanics Engineers) recently cooperated to produce a leaflet entitled “What is V&V?” The attractive tri-fold color flyer is intended to be an ‘eye catcher’ that will be freely distributed at NAFEMS and ASME events. In addition to being a pocket sized introduction to Verification and Validation, the leaflet points to the work of the NAFEMS Analysis Management Working Group and the ASME V&V-10 Computational Solid Mechanics standards group, just two groups contributing to the ever increasingly popular and important areas of verification and validation in computational mechanics.
This webinar will provide the audience with
Key aspects of the Verification & Validation process are illustrated using a simple end loaded cantilever beam problem:
This V&V webinar is directed at practitioners of computational mechanics, and especially their managers. All practicing computational analysts use some form of V&V in their daily activities. The amount and type of V&V should be of paramount importance to those that manage these analysts, as they, along with the analysts, are responsible for the veracity of the predictive results. A knowledge of V&V formalism will help to open communication between analysts and management, and thus improve the analysis product delivered to clients.
Add value to your product or company by attending this FREE webinar.
Welcome & Introduction
Matthew Ladzinski, NAFEMS North America
What is V&V?
Len Schwer, Consultant
Q & A Session
Len Schwer
Len has over 30 years experience in nonlinear transient computation mechanics, with an emphasis on defense related applications. For the past 15 years he has worked as an independent consult focusing on LS-DYNA applications. He teaches four classes that include: modeling of Blast, Penetration, Concrete, and a more general Modeling & Simulation class devoted to selecting modeling techniques and assessing the accuracy and correctness of predictions. He has been honored as Fellow in ASME and the United States Association for Computational Mechanics (USACM).
Len’s hobby is Verification & Validation. In addition to serving as a volunteer on the NAFEMS AMWG he is a volunteer member, and recent past chair, of the ASME V&V-10 Standards Committee on V&V in Computational Solids Mechanics, and a member of the ASME V&V Committee that oversee all the ASME V&V standards committees.
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