In 2012 NAFEMS conducted a survey into the common practices and issues related to the analysis of structures made from composite materials. The results made for interesting reading:
When asked about the most appropriate modelling approach a common response was that analysts are trying to compare their FE results against experimental results – a pragmatic approach which sounds eminently sensible.
When asked about the source of the material properties used in the analyses, the most common response was that analysts make their own measurements from experiments or get data from the material supplier or the literature. Again, that sounds perfectly reasonable.
However, when asked where they needed the most help when simulating composites, a significant proportion of the respondents cited material properties as their main area of concern, followed closely by the difficulties of modelling failure and selecting appropriate failure criteria.
In response to the survey results, NAFEMS organised a seminar which brought together experienced practitioners in composites analysis, who offered an insight into the best approaches for obtaining and validating composites material properties, selecting and using appropriate failure criteria, and establishing robust analysis approaches for modern composites design.
Modelling Delamination with Cohesive Interface Elements
Stephen Hallett, Bristol University
Moving from Theory to Practice -Mind the Gap
Richard Gibbon, Frazer Nash Consultancy
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