The“web 2.0” revolution started in 1999. Since that time, the web browser has grown from a simple application forviewing static content into a full blow application platform. For many people, these capabilities havebecome an integral part of their personal lives.
However,this trend has been slow to catch on in the engineering world. Rather than trying to fully realize thepotential of web and cloud based applications, many companies are simply“cloudwashing” their existing legacy tools with mediocre results. Xogeny was founded to explore the fullpotential that the cloud and web have to offer. By leveraging open standards like FMI, Modelica, Javascript and othertechnologies, Xogeny seeks to build bridges between engineering and a new eraof web-based engineering applications that harness the power of the web foruser interaction and the power of the cloud for scalability.
Inthis talk, Dr. Michael Tiller, President of Xogeny, will present examples ofwork that Xogeny has been doing in the area of model deployment. Leveraging the FMI standard, Xogeny hasintroduced a service called FMQ which offers customers a scalable platform onwhich to simulate models exported in accordance with the FMI standard. But the story doesn’t end with runningsimulations in the cloud. Building onthis capability, Xogeny has developed technology to semi-automatically generateweb applications around these models and link them to the FMQ executionplatform. The result is a capability toproduce web-based engineering applications with a seamless user experiencethat, through its centralized data management, opens up several powerfulcollaboration possibilities.
Modelingand simulation have, of course, been an essential part of engineering for sometime. This work is typically conductedby subject matter experts and too often the fruits of their labor have beenlargely inaccessible to the enterprise as a whole. The goal of Xogeny’s solution is to capturethe value invested by experts in building high-quality engineering models andthen multiply that value by providing an easy, inexpensive path to large scalemodel deployment through high quality, intuitive web applications. By integrating these engineering models intouser-friendly and collaborative web-based engineering applications, theyempower expert and non-expert users alike and place these models firmly on thecritical path.
Innovationin both web and cloud technologies is accelerating. For too long, these technologies havebypassed engineering and been applied primarily to consumer level applications. Xogeny seeks to change that byharnessing these innovations to improve engineering tools and, ultimately, theproducts they are used to design.
After 10 years working at Ford Motor Company in the Powertrain Research Department, Dr. Tiller left Ford to become a Vice President at Emmeskay, an engineering consulting company eventually acquired by LMS International. After leaving LMS, Dr. Tiller relocated to France to become worldwide Director of Marketing at Dassault Systemes with responsibility for marketing of Dassault Systemes' Modelica-based physical modeling tools.
In 2012, Dr. Tiller returned to the United States committed to helping companies achieve more with their modeling processes. He founded Xogeny to develop products and services focused on ensuring that modeling had the greatest possible impact on the product development process.
In addition to training and consulting, Dr. Tiller is a sought after public speaker on the topics of software, modeling, technology and engineering.
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