The complete CFD activity chain across all industries from geometry to final conclusions – best practice methods and tools, automation, optimisation, verification and validation.
2 - 3 December 2015, Munich, Germany
15 Years SPDM@BMW
J. Reicheneder (BMW Group)
S. Jahnke (BMW Group)
- not available -
Strategies to Increase CAE Quality through Simulation Data Management
S. Billig, J. Morawski, T. Pohl (Adam Opel);
Z. Petrovic, A. Schalon (Siemens PLM Software)
Simulation Data Management and Process Chain at Audi
A. J. Beck, K. Gruber (Audi)
- not available -
MoSSEC: A Proposed Standard for Sharing Modelling and Simulation Information in a Collaborative Systems Engineering Context
A. Murton (Airbus UK)
Virtual Process Chain Production: SIMAN – Simulation Data Management@CONNECT
J.-H. Theilen (Volkswagen)
Integration of the CFD Simulation in the Development Process of Competition Motorcycles
G. Lindbichler, M. Perterer (KTM Technologies)
Thermal Analysis of Heavy Duty Engine Exhaust Manifold using CFD
S. Eroglu, I. Duman (Ford Otosan)
The Mahle Behr CFD Wizards: HVAC Wizard and HEEX Wizard
R. Stauch, G. Apostolopoulos, M. Weinmann, J. Schlottke, W. Kühnel (Mahle Behr)
Frontloading CFD in the Automotive Product Development Process
M. Sabeur (Mentor Graphics)
The Influence of Mesh Characteristics on OpenFoam Simulations of the DrivAer Model
G. Fotiadis, V. Skaperdas, A. Iordanidis (BETA CAE Systems)
One click - Multiparts to 3D Mesh
B. Kornberger, M. Schifko (ESS Engineering Software Steyr)
Improving Thrust Reverser Performance through Design Exploration with Optimate+
A. Engeländer, A. Godfrey, D. Rittenberg (CD-Adapco)
Interpretation of Verification and Validation for Computational Fluid Dynamics
NAFEMS AMWG, presented by S. Duvall (International Nuclear Services UK)
The FlowSimulator— A Software Framework for CFD-related Multidisciplinary Simulations
L. Reimer (DLR - German Aerospace Center)
Comparison of the ASMO Car Model with Experimental Data and Simulations
M. Gruetzmacher, B. Marovic (Mentor Graphics)
Aero-Vibro-Acoustics for Wind Noise Applications
M. Oswald (Ansys Germany); S. Sovani (Ansys)
Simulation-ready CAD for Fast Turn-around Time in CFD and Optimization
M. Brenner, S. Harries, J. Palluch (Friendship Systems)
Optimization Process for an Automotive Flap using an Automated FSI Workflow
M. Ratzel, W. Dias, B. Schnepf (Altair Engineering)
Numeca‘s Integrated CFD-Aero-Vibro-Acoustic Solutions for Intake-Duct-Exhaust Systems and Mufflers
P. Ferrante (Numeca International); F. Frey, M. Cellarius (Numeca Ingenieurbüro)
Optimized Ship Design Using Heeds & STAR-CCM+
D. Tatum, D. Preston (Downey Engineering); N. Chase (Red Cedar Technology); T. Yen, A. Engeländer (CD-Adapco)
Workflow for an Efficient Usage of Open-Source Solver Technology for CFD and FEA
U. Heck, M. Becker (DHCAE Tools)
Automation for Efficient Application of OpenFOAM to Industrial Problems
H. Kröger (Univ. of Rostock)
Accelerating CFD Workflow Using GPU‘s
M. Stanic, S. Adami (FluiDyna)
Femzip-CFD: Taming of the Data Pile
S. P. Müller, P. Sunil Banerjee (Sidact)
Nowadays Computational Fluid Dynamics methods are a well-established and accepted development tool used in a wide range of industries. Since CFD achieved this level of acceptance, the expectations towards CFD regarding turn-around time, ease-of-use, process robustness, automation and standardization have changed rapidly. In response, recently there has been a strong focus on CFD Workflow Management.
The European NAFEMS CFD Conference will offer a unique forum where experts from different industries, academia, software vendors will will share their knowledge regarding CFD Workflow Management concepts and solutions covering the following topics:
If you are interested in talking to the CFD community about the CFD workflow management and the management of new challenging CFD applications in your organization and sharing your thoughts about future trends you are invited to attend the 1st European NAFEMS CFD conference.
The ‘CFD – Beyond the Solve‘ event is being run in parallel with the ‘NAFEMS Simulation Process and Data Management’ European Conference. Delegates will be free to attend sessions of their choice in both events in order to exploit the synergies between these two technical areas. We are looking forward to meeting you in Munich. NAFEMS DACH CFD Advisory Board (CAB) / NAFEMS CFD Working Group
NAFEMS DACH CFD Advisory Board (CAB) / NAFEMS CFD Working Group
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