2 - 3 December 2015, Munich, Germany
15 Years SPDM@BMW
J. Reicheneder (BMW Group)
S. Jahnke (BMW Group)
- not available -
Strategies to Increase CAE Quality through Simulation Data Management
S. Billig, J. Morawski, T. Pohl (Adam Opel);
Z. Petrovic, A. Schalon (Siemens PLM Software)
Simulation Data Management and Process Chain at Audi
A. J. Beck, K. Gruber (Audi)
- not available -
MoSSEC: A Proposed Standard for Sharing Modelling and Simulation Information in a Collaborative Systems Engineering Context
A. Murton (Airbus UK)
Virtual Process Chain Production: SIMAN – Simulation Data Management@CONNECT
J.-H. Theilen (Volkswagen)
Handling the Constant Evolution of Simulation with SPDM Solutions
M. Schlenkrich (MSC Software)
- not available -
Concept and Implementation of a Central Knowledge Framework for Simulation Knowledge
P. Kestel, T. C. Sprügel, S. Wartzack (Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg);
S. Katona (Technische Hochschule Nürnberg ); T. Lehnhäuser (Ansys Germany)
Simulation Process and Data Management on Cloud: Create, Collaborate and Compute your Simulations on Cloud
S. Bhide (Ansys)
SPDM Overkill – Too Expensive, Too Difficult, Too Much Overhead and No Added Value ?!?
E. Niederauer (Siemens PLM Software)
Managing Simulation Processes of Different Levels of Maturity
H. Wenzel, R. Illig (Dassault Systems Deutschland)
SPDM 3.0 is here: How to Succeed with Three Generations of SPDM
M. Norris (Consultant)
Simulation Process and Data Management: How to Deploy SPDM and Support CAE Teams Efficiently
S. Kleiner, M. Krastel (:em engineering methods)
The First Full-Cloud Design Space Exploration Platform
A. Davydov, S. Morozov, N. Perestoronin, A. Prokhorov (Datadvance)
Integrate Multi-Disciplinary Optimization into the Product Development Process
M. Nicolich, M. Gazzin (Esteco)
Simulation Data Mining as One Element of the Product-specific Knowledge Balance – a SPDM Perspective
S. Hinsen, M. Ruschitzka (TH Köln); P. Gust (Univ. of Wuppertal)
RDO meets PLM
D. Schneider (Dynardo)
Efficient Data Models and Tools for Effective SPDM Implementation
P. Mandava, G. Shastry, M. V. Uppalapati (Visual Collaboration Technologies)
Automotive Seat Design Exploration in the Cloud
F. Y. Koçer, E. Nelson (Altair Engineering)
The Role of Simulation in a Holistic Engineering Environment
R. Illig, H. Wenzel (Dassault Systemes Deutschland)
An Approach for the Development of Requirements-Oriented Simulation Management
S. Schweigert, H. d‘Albert, U. Lindemann (TU Munich)
Next Generation Simulation Data Management for Small and Medium Enterprises
I. Nitsopoulos, M. Krause (ISKO engineers)
Interpretation of Verification and Validation for Simulation Process and Data Management
NAFEMS AMWG, presented by S. Duvall (International Nuclear Services UK)
Complete Simulation Lifecycle Management at VECV
V. Mulchandani, U. Shanker Gupta (Eicher Trucks and Buses); N. Hanagal (Altair Engineering India)
A Systems Engineering Middleware Concept Built for Incremental Collaboration
G. Staub, J. Jaksch (PDTec)
LoCo – An Innovative Process and Team Data Management Solution for Simulation
M. Thiele, T. Landschoff (Scale); A. J. Beck (Audi)
Simulation Data Management in Pre- and Postprocessing
D. Katramados, A. Roubies, D. Krontsos (BETA CAE Systems)
A Comparison and Synergies between SPDM and a Popular “Democratization” Platform
J. Betts (Front End Analytics); D. Silver (EASA Software); S. Dewhurst (EASA)
Standardization of CAE Data Management – Collaborative
CAD/CAE Integration with CAE Services
J. Boy (Prostep); M. Krastel (:em engineering methods)
xMCF – Standard for Documenting Connection Information
… and how SPDM can Benefit
C. Franke (Prostep); G. Zhang (Volkswagen); M. Weinert (Ford Germany)
LOTAR Engineering Analysis and Simulation Initiative
A. Lévy, J.-Y. Delaunay (Cimpa on behalf of Airbus); J. Draper, R. Zuray (Boeing)
Role-based Simulation Object Management as an Enabler for Democratisation in Collaborative Virtual Engineering
C. Hepperle, C. Gnandt (Tesis DYNAware)
Management of Material Data for a Mid-Size Simulation Work Group: Experiences and Recommendations
R. Heimüller (MAN Truck & Bus)
- not available -
Integrated Material Data Management
M. Betz, L. Dann (thinkstep)
- not available -
The Airbus A350 XWB Aircraft’s Structural Detailed Analysis with a Common Shared Platform
C. Raick, F. Berger (Siemens PLM Software); D. Fachetti (Airbus)
We will commemorate 15 years of SPDM success in Munich which began with go-live of Virtual Insight at BMW on 19th December 2000. Josef Reicheneder of BMW group will deliver the first Keynote presentation, 15 Years SPDM@BMW, taking us on the journey from the first deployment of a commercial SDM solution through the migrations to next-generation SDM solution, the achievements of today and the challenges or the future. SDM is a core enterprise system at BMW. Ferdinand Dirschmid explained at the NAFEMS World Congress 2015 that SDM had been fundamental to the execution of the virtual engineering required to bring the iconic BMW i8 composite hybrid sports car into the showrooms in only 42 months. This entailed new body and powertrain concepts, new simulation methods, new manufacturing processes and a new factory; not just a new model based on existing technology.
BMW is not the only Munich-based company that relies heavily on SPDM for engineering success. Johann Beck of Audi in Ingolstadt near Munich will describe why efficient management of data is absolutely essential to minimising time to market for an ever widening range of vehicles and vehicle derivatives. Audi has a long history of driving SDM innovation and Mr. Beck will describe the evolving SDM architecture.
Munich has become a centre for SDM development as well as for SDM usage. Michael Schlenkrich, who led the original BMW project, will share his vision of future directions of SDM based on 15 years of wide ranging SDM experience. Later in the conference Marko Thiele of Scale will describe the latest evolution of LoadCase Composer (LoCo) and its usage within the Audi vehicle simulation process.
Other Munich-based companies presenting include Tesis DYNAware who will speak about a distributed modularised model architecture for simulation of automotive electronic systems. The state of the art of SDM is also being advanced by the Technical University of Munich and Sebastian Schweigert will speak about process definitions and improvements for automotive suppliers.
Munich is not the only region of Germany represented as Thorsten Pohl will give a keynote on the deployment of SDM at GM he is leading out of Opel. Jan Theilen of Volkswagen will talk about their virtual process chain. Then Rainer Illig and Holger Wenzel of Dassault Systemes will discuss the management of simulation processes of different levels of maturity.
Automotive OEM’s are also represented by Ralph Heimüller of MAN Truck & Bus who will speak about the effective management of material data for simulation. Another solution for materials data management will then be described by Reimund Dann of Thinkstep.
Jochen Boy of ProStep will lead a section describing evolving standards for automotive and aerospace industries including a paper on Long Term Archiving and Retrieval (LOTAR) from Albert Levy of Airbus Toulouse. Adrian Murton from Airbus will give a keynote on the standards-based future of simulation collaboration and describe the development of the MoSSEC standard. Caroline Raick will describe the success of a common platform for the structural analysis of the A350WB program.
Contributions describing the deployment of SDM at Volvo-Eicher Commercial Vehicles in India, large scale multi-variable optimisation of aircraft systems from Datadvance of Russia and data-models for SDM from vCollab the USA complement the many papers submitted from within Europe.
The point of view of supplier companies will be represented with a keynote from Steve Minter of GKN Driveline describing how they will take forward their successful SDM deployment. The needs of medium sized companies will also be addressed. Several practitioners, including ISKO engineers :EM engineering methods and Mark Norris of theSDMconsultancy will speak about successful deployment of SDM into companies of all sizes.
It’s not possible to describe all the topics which will be covered at this 3rd European SPDM conference. So please have a look at the agenda on the following pages and register for the conference at www.nafems.org/spdm2015.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Munich.
Mark Norris, Peter Bartholomew NAFEMS SDM Working Group
The conference was organized by the
NAFEMS Simulation Data Management Working Group
... and other NAFEMS Working Groups
Contact and further information
NAFEMS Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz GmbH
Osterham 23, D-83233 Bernau, Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 80 51 - 96 59 3 49
e-mail: roger.oswald@nafems.org
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