A system prediction method for dynamic load, vibration and stress is the prerequisite to address overall aircraft/engine safety and reliability, and to reduce noise. The advancement in the modelling and analysis of the engine as a system can help to better understanding of the overall structure durability and strength. The prediction of the engine dynamic behavior must be made available up-front in the design cycle for critical structural evaluations. The system level engine model must be simple enough for rapid analysis and robust enough for detail component design iteration. The current state of numerical and computation limitation require us to parse the engine model of modules and analysis into separate disciplines (rotor dynamics, impact, & stress). The challenge is to bring all the information together to predict system level responses. The fidelity of the prediction system is greatly challenged when comparing to the test data. A system level high fidelity full engine modelling is also needed for the aircraft prediction of loads, vibrations, and noise. To manage the vast number of information needed for the complex modelling and data produced from the multiple simulations, a smart data management system will need to be implemented.
Structural Systems
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