Today’s customer expectations for automotive products are very demanding across all global regions. Customers expect high quality, top safety, and best fuel economy with uncompromised performance, as well as high levels of refinement in terms of smooth drivability and quietness. Delivering these requirements are top objectives for the OEMs, and these are performed using a combination of virtual simulation technologies and specialized testing during the vehicle’s development process.
Engineering analysis and simulation plays a significant role in the automotive development process; hence, the topics presented in this forum are critical for further advancing the analytical tools and processes necessary to drive automotive design & development.
The open discussion will focus on:
Manager - Powertrain NVH CAE Dept, Powertrain NVH Research & Development,
Powertrain Engineering
Mr. Felice is currently Manager of the Powertrain NVH CAE Department at Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, Michigan (USA). He leads a large team of CAE engineers responsible to deliver powertrain NVH refinement with respect to Smoothness, Quietness and Sound Quality. Additionally, Mr. Felice is the Ford global Powertrain NVH CAE Technical Leader responsible for establishing common analytical methods and processes across all the Ford global engineering organizations. Mr. Felice has been employed with Ford Motor Company for 34 years. During this time he's held a number of positions specializing in engine and full powertrains. He holds degrees in Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the Fairleigh Dickinson University (New Jersey) and Masters of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan .
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