The 1st NAFEMS European Conference on Optimisation took place on 12-13 October 2016 in Manchester.
Optimisation has become a key ingredient in many engineering disciplines and has been experiencing a fast growth in recent years due to innovations in optimisation algorithms and techniques, coupled with rapid development in computer hardware and software capabilities. The growing popularity of optimisation in engineering applications is driven by ever increasing competition pressure, where optimised products and/or processes can offer improved performance and cost effectiveness which are difficult to achieve with a traditional design approach. However, there are still many open challenges for optimisation to be used routinely for engineering applications.
This event brought together practitioners and academics in all relevant disciplines to share their knowledge and experiences, to discuss problems and challenges, and to facilitate further improvements in optimisation techniques for engineering applications.
Complex Parameter Reduction Optimisation & RSM Based Tool for Urban Growth
John Barnes, EnginSoft UK Ltd.
Heatsink Topology Identification using a Simulation Based Additive Design Methodology
Robin Bornoff, Mentor Graphics Corp.
Topology Optimisation in CFD: Use of Innovative Techniques for Design Support in the Industry
Olivier Brugière, CFD-Numerics
Multi-objective Optimisation of a Novel Fastener-less Interlocking Joining Technology based on Surrogate Modelling Techniques
Michael Corbett, University of Limerick
Reliability and Robustness Based Design Optimisation of a Radial Compressor Concerning Fluid-Structure Interaction
Kevin Cremanns, Niederrhein University
CFD Topology Optimisation of a Turbine Inlet Duct
Massimo Damasio, Exemplar & Roberto Saponelli, UniMoRe& Protesa SpA
Robust Design Optimisation of a Free-Fall-Life-Boat (FFLB) Combining Fluid Structure Interaction and Kinematics Analyses
Dimitrios Drougkas, BETA CAE Systems SA
Structural Optimisation for Mass Customisation of High-Performance Bicycle Components, using Metallic Additive Manufacture (DMLS)
Steff Evans, Evotech CAE Ltd.
Conceptual Design of Additively Manufactured Components using Layout and Geometry Optimisation
Matthew Gilbert, University of Sheffield
Weight Optimisation of a Transmission Housing
Reinhard Helfrich, INTES GmbH
Genetic Algorithm for Optimisation of Passive Fire Protection
Charles Hendry, MMI Engineering
Adjoint Optimisation of Internal Turbine Cooling Channel using Node and CAD-based Automatic Parametrisation Methods
Rejish Jesudasan, Queen Mary University
Random Response & Fatigue Optimisation in the Frequency Domain
Fatma Koçer, Altair Engineering, Inc.
Design Optimisation under Uncertainty using Metamodels in a Trust Region Based Setting
Yury Korolev, Queen Mary University
Multiobjective Sizing Optimisation of a Steel Girder Bridge
Mariapia Marchi, ESTECO SpA
Pultrusion Process Parameters Optimisation
Sergey Morozov, DATADVANCE
Sensitivity Analysis and Parametric Optimisation as Powerful Tools for Industrial Product Development
Thomas Most, Dynardo GmbH
Optimisation-Based Product Design: Enabling Tools and Culture Shift
Matteo Nicolich, ESTECO SpA
Driving the Adoption of Simulation Based Optimisation
Stuart Nixon, SIMULIA UK
Geometry-Based Virtual Model Variants for Shape Optimisation and CAD Refeed
Werner Pohl, FCMS GmbH
No Free Lunch Theorem from an Engineering Perspective
Carlo Poloni, University of Trieste & Esteco
Comparison of Single and Multi-Objective Optimisation Methods for Turbine Assembly Optimisation using Discrete Event Simulation
Neha Prajapat, GE Power
Structural Optimisation based on Fatigue Results
Klaus Puchner, Magna Powertrain
Product and Process Optimisation for Additive Manufacturing
Steven Ribeiro-Ayeh, Dassault Systemes Deutschland GmbH
Metamodel Based Optimisation of the Operation Characteristic of a Highly Stressed Centrifugal Compressor Impeller
Christoph Schemmann, Fachhochschule Dortmund
Sensitivity and Robustness Analysis for Breaker Development
Thorsten Schindler, ABB AG
Presentation title to be confirmed
Shahrokh Shahpar, Rolls Royce
Strategic Application of Optimisation Methods in Automotive Light Weight Construction
Johannes Siegmann, Adam Opel AG
Robust Topology Optimisation Algorithms to Account for Material and Loading Uncertainty in Additively Manufactured Parts
Ewan Tarrant, TWI Ltd.
Integration of Optimisation and Simulation for Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Ashutosh Tiwari, Cranfield University
The Growth and Integration of Optimisation into UK Engineering
David Vickerman, GRM Consulting Ltd.
Topology and Shape Optimisation of Structures under Contact Conditions
Nils Wagner, INTES GmbH
Computational Fluid Dynamics Design Optimisation using an Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis
Stuart Walker, Altair Engineering, Inc.
Putting Topology Optimisation into the hands of the Designer
Guy Wills, Siemens Industry Software Ltd.
Computational Fluid Dynamics Optimisation of a Static Air Mixer
Guy Wills, Siemens Industry Software Ltd.
Concept Design and Optimisation for ALM
Bob Yancey, Altair Engineering, Inc.
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