Collaborative MDO in Aerospace
R. Van De Velde, ESTECO North America Inc.
Today’s aerospace and defense industry faces many challenges. Due to the projected growth of air traffic, commercial airplane manufacturers see a strong need to minimize fuel consumption, emissions and noise, in order to satisfy consumer and regulatory constraints. Since these requirements typically lead to conflicting design objectives across several domains, employing Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) in the design process is crucial.
Military airplane manufacturers on the other hand have an entire different set of challenges to solve, mostly involving aircraft performance, power and thermal management requirements and energy efficiency.
The aerospace industry has traditionally often used conservative design methods with a siloed approach between different disciplines. To meet future challenges however, more innovative technologies are needed, and collaboration will be key, not just among different design departments, but also between OEMs and suppliers.
Aircraft design is a complex task involving many disciplines. Aerospace architects make high-level decisions and provide specifications for a concept design, while engineers share domain-specific knowledge and prepare single-discipline models that are combined in the multi-discipline, optimization-driven process to analyze performance.
This presentation will focus on new web based technology that helps to manage all cross-functional concurrent design steps by integrating multiple modeling formats. Its service-oriented architecture facilitates the distributed execution, collaboration between different disciplines and geographic locations, sharing and re-use of the enterprise engineering knowledge.
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Presentation: Collaborative MDO in Aerospace