NAFEMS is the International Association for the Engineering Modelling, Analysis and Simulation Community. The mission statement is „To promote the safe and reliable use of finite element and related technology“.
Since its inception in 1983, NAFEMS has become an independent, not-for-profit, international membership association, owned by its members. NAFEMS is the only worldwide independent association dedicated to FEA and CFD. Companies from numerous industries and every part of the globe have invested heavily in engineering technologies such as Finite Element Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics.
We are an association of more than 1300 companies and academic institutions worldwide. Members range from major global corporations through mid-sized organizations to small-scale engineering consultants. As new application areas and techniques constantly evolve, NAFEMS becomes involved to create awareness and deliver appropriate education and training.
Hence this introductory event was held to find out which NAFEMS activities could help engineers working in numerical simulations in the Eastern European countries.
Welcome and Introduction to NAFEMS and Knorr-Bremse
D. Felhös (Knorr-Bremse, Budapest, Hungary); T. Morris (NAFEMS)
IT for Global Engineering. The European Knorr-Bremse CAE & HPC IT Infrastructure
C. Woll (GNS Systems)
Simulation Driven Innovation
H. Gruber (Altair Engineering / s&t Consulting Hungary)
Simulation Driven Product Development by ANSYS
L. Molnár (eCon Engineering)
Realistic Simulation
I. Nadj (CAD-Terv Group)
Analysis and Simulations in the Railway Industry: Practical Experience, Similarities and Differences Compared to the Automotive Industry
F. Günther (Knorr-Bremse, Munich, Germany)
How Small (but fine) Simulations can also Radically Improve Industrial Products
Z. Penzar (Continental, Frankfurt, Germany)
Quality Management in Engineering SimulationD. Felhös (Knorr-Bremse, Budapest, Hungary)
Discussion workshop: NAFEMS activities in Eastern Europe
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