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Multiscale and Multiphysics Modeling & Simulation - Innovation Enabling Technologies

Multiscale and Multiphysics Modeling & Simulation - Innovation Enabling Technologies

Two-Day Conference

Date: Tuesday & Wednesday, March 28th-29th, 2017

Location: Columbus, OH

Conference Abstracts & Presentations Now Available!

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Multiscale and multiphysics modeling and simulation methods are nowadays essential tools for analyzing complex systems. For example, engineers often need to simulate large scale structures where the micro-mechanical properties of constituent materials greatly affect the overall behavior of the system. As such, the micro-structure and mechanical properties need to be introduced explicitly in the analysis procedure.

Multiphysics plays an equally strong role is in the design of subsystems and how they interact with other subsystems and systems. One example is MEMS (microelectromechanical systems) which typically include small moving parts such as wheels, rotors, levers, and linkages, and how they operate within larger systems. Other examples include the creation of "designer materials" tailored for specific environments, as well as the simulation of nanoscale mechanics of cancer cells and how that is being extended to medical treatment devices and methods.

Traditional simulation methods such as FEA are consequently pushed to their limits; fine detailing is required to represent accurately the actual response leading to prohibitive computational costs. This conference aims to introduce the essential principles of multiscale and multiphysics analysis for engineering problems and how to communicate micro-scale modeling and simulation information onto the macro-scale level, leading to reduced order, yet accurate, models. Focus will be on presenting the key benefits and limitations of multiscale and multiphysics analysis through illustrious examples pertaining to actual industrial applications.


NAFEMS and participating speakers will cover these topics, and more, at the “Multiscale and Multiphysics Modeling & Simulation - Innovation Enabling Technologies" Conference. Attendees from all industries will gather at this event, in a non-competitive environment, to exchange ideas, identify best practices, and drive the near-future direction of technology.

This conference aims to deliver information and insights on critical topic areas in a manner that maximizes the “take-away” value for attendees. An event agenda and concept championed by several leading figures in industry will provide the opportunity to learn about the latest technologies and practices, which attendees can later share and apply within their own organizations.

Featured Speakers


2040 Vision for Integrated, Multiscale Materials and Structures Modeling

Led by Steven M. Arnold, PhD, FASM

The Pratt & Whitney team and NASA are collaborating to develop a 2040 vision for integrated, multiscale materials and structures modeling and simulation. The team is hosting a working session to build community consensus for the proposed Vision and solicit technology roadmapping inputs on 1) critical gaps, 2) enabling technologies to close gaps, and 3) key engineering challenge problems, to permit the efficient and accurate design, manufacture, and certification of future aerospace systems in the year 2040.

This workshop is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, March 28th from 2:05pm to 5:30pm. Please see the agenda for additional details.