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Metamodelling approach to the digital transformation


Metamodelling techniques speed up the search for promising designs by replacing computationally expensive design evaluations or simulations. They provide a global model of some design response, which can then be optimized efficiently.  
As, in the context of digital transformation, simulation is expected to spread all over the product lifecycle, metamodelling techniques too will be requested to adapt to different types of data and to exploit different types of predictive capabilities. In this presentation, the role of metamodelling in digital transformation will be discussed, with examples and challenges to be addressed.


Danilo Di Stefano graduated in Physical Chemistry from the University of Padova. His technical background is in materials modelling and simulation. After being a contract research at Area Science Park (Italy National research institution), he joined ESTECO in 2006, as project manager for the pharmaceutical and chemical markets. Currently appointed as modeFRONTIER product manager.