We would like to extend an invitation to your company to be part of this exciting event. There are several outstanding opportunities available for your company to sponsor or exhibit at the seminar, giving you maximum exposure to a highly targeted audience of delegates, who are all directly involved in simulation, analysis, and design.
Please contact Jo Davenport - jo.davenport@nafems.org to discuss the options available.
Prof. Giulio Lorenzini
Full Professor of Environmental Technical Physics
University of Parma
Department of Engineering and Architecture
Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Parma
L'evento è accreditato presso l'Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Parma e riconosce 6 CFP (Crediti Formativi Professionali) per gli Ingegneri iscritti all'albo. I crediti saranno riconosciuti previo frequenza al 100% delle ore dell'evento.
The event is by the Professional Engineering Association of Parma, the event is valid for 6 professional traininig credits (CFP) for Associated Professionals Engineers.
Register for your credits here
Centro Sant’ Elisabetta Room
Universita' di Parma
Via Università 12
43121 Parma
Tel. +39 0521 902111
The seminar will be held at the Scientific Campus of the University of Parma, Italy. It is a broad and green area (Parco Area delle Scienze) hosting Parma's scientific departments.
A frequent bus service operates between the train station, downtown and Campus. You can reach Campus University by public transport using bus lines: 7, 14, 21. For a map of public transport bus routes in Parma, Italy, click here: http://www.tep.pr.it/linee_orari/linee_urbane/default.aspx
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