This presentation introduced the ISO 10303 STEP standard with a focus on how users can connect IIoT/CPS solutions and its sensor data directly to CAD, CAE and PLM/SDM models, ensuring performant data exchange, sharing and archiving processes. Several examples were highlighted, like the Mountain Bike, the Crane of the Gunnerus research vessel and more. The IIoT/CPS Implementation is based on the open source software "Arrowhead Framework”, now also available in the Eclipse environment.
Some additional details here for the Arrowhead Project and ISO 10303 here.
The NAFEMS Simulation Data Management Working Group regularly invites solution providers to their meetings to describe their Simulation Data Management solutions.
Presenters are asked to bias their presentation to a technical audience of simulation experts and ensure that the content is focused on the technical aspects of the solution offering. When possible, reference customers should be identified.
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Mr Kjell Bengtsson, Jotne
Mr Kjell Bengtsson is a Vice President at Jotne, has a Mechanical Engineering background and a diploma in Marketing. He started out at Volvo Car and General Electric doing CAD/DB applications and later management positions, and is now VP at Jotne EPM Technology. Kjell has been exposed to STEP, PLCS and other related standards for the last 25 years and is actively involved in neutral database implementation projects in the most complex defense and aerospace sector projects. Kjell is a Member of the Board of PDES Inc and supports other industry organizations like AIA/ASD, NIAG (NATO), FSI and more.
Prof. Terje Rølvåg, NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Prof. Terje Rølvåg holds a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. within finite element dynamics of elastic mechanisms and control from NTH. His publications are mainly within non-linear finite element dynamics and active damping of elastic mechanisms. He has been central in developing FEDEM, a finite element based modelling and simulation tool with multidisciplinary capabilities (see He has also established several engineering companies and optimized products for the automotive, offshore and aerospace industries. Prof. Rølvåg's research interests cover computer science applied for engineering applications focusing on simulation of behaviour and strength of electromechanical products.
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