Interoperability is a significant topic for much of the Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) simulation and analysis sector. Improving accuracy and speed in both product and process design is a constant requirement. A critical factor in this is enabling seamless collaboration between teams, often in different organisations, addressing different simulations and physics. This, however, presents a significant barrier.
The 1st International Conference on Interoperability, organized by the VMAP project, discussed these issues and more. The conference took place online, from 19th-20th October 2020.
Focusing on the many aspects, problems and possible solutions in interoperability including software implementation, simulation process integration, data transfer, standards, ontologies, and collaboration, this was the first independent, international gathering focusing solely on interoperability.
VMAP Enabling Interoperability in Integrated CAE Simulation Workflows
K. Wolf, P. Gulati (Fraunhofer SCAI); G. Duffett (NAFEMS)
The VMAP Material Data Interface Standard – A New Approach to Unify Information Transfer in Virtual Manufacturing Workflows
P. Gulati (Fraunhofer SCAI)
Integration of VMAP into the Open Source Library PYLIFE
G. Kiss, D. Kreuter, J. Müller (Robert Bosch)
How to make an Interoperability Standard a Tool for Performance?
J. M. Crepel (Citran)
Digital Thread to Capture and Exchange Content and Intent Across the Product Lifecycle – The Key to Effective Management of Ever-Increasing Product Complexity
M. Nicolich (ARAS)
Implementation Insight and Demonstration of the Advantages of the VMAP Standard for CAE Engineers
T. Usta, C. Liebold, A. Haufe (DYNAmore)
Generative Design for Digital Fabrication
G .Sundar Dutta, J. Kottmann, L. Steuernagel, D. Meiners (Technical University Clausthal)
Enhancing Interoperability of BETA Products within Complex CAE Workflows by Adopting and Integrating the VMAP Standard
A. Fassas, G. Mokios (BETA CAE Systems)
Sheet-Metal Manufacturing Simulations Coupled to Structural Simulations for an Improved Structural Static and Fatigue Response
N. Laue, A. Jensen (Grundfos Holding)
Simulation Chain for Fatigue Strength Assessment of Short-Fiber Reinforced Plastic Parts in the Presence of Weld Lines
M. De Monte (Robert Bosch)
3D Deep-Learning Based Surrogate Modeling and Optimization
L. Zampiere, P. Baqué, S. Baset, T. Allard, T. von Tschammer (Neural Concept)
An Integrated Design-Process Optimization Methodology – With Two Industrial Cases
V. Tsai, F. Buchy (SimpaTec)
Minimizing the Weld Distortion by Optimizing the Weld Sequence Using Genetic Algorithm
D. Jeyaganesh (UAE University)
The eCl@ss Standard as Semantic Basis for CAE Product Data Exchange
C. Block (eCl@ss Head Office)
Tailored Data Exchange Processes in Automotive Bodywork Engineering
A. Kreis, M. Hirz (Graz University of Technology); M. Prenner, S. Stadler (Magna Steyr Fahrzeugtechnik)
CAE Software Interoperability: Impact of In-Use Properties of a Welded Part on Crash Analysis
L. Gaston, S. Andrietti (Transvalor); D. Even, C. Le Falher, M. Lecoq, G. Delattre, L. Guerin (Faurecia)
Data Exchange and Software Interoperability Based on MOSSEC Standard. Application to a Cabin Aircraft Architecture Process
A. Munck, X. Dugros, D. Sauvage (Digital Product Simulation)
A Value-Focussed Approach to the Deployment of Simulation Data Management to Support Multidisciplinary Simulation and Interoperability
M. Norris (theSDMconsultancy); G. Neveu (DPS)
An Approach Towards Interoperability of CSM Models in the Virtual Structural Sizing and Testing of Lightweight Composite Structures
M. Rädel (German Aerospace Center DLR)
Digital Twins in Technical Product Development: Definitions and Insights from an Industrial Case Study
J. Trauer, S. Schweigert-Recksiek, M. Zimmermann (Technical University of Munich); C. Engel, K. Spreitzer (Viessmann)
Enhanced Simulation of Shrinkage and Warpage of Extrusion Blow Molded Parts Using the VMAP Interface Standard
O. Bruch (Dr. Reinold Hagen Stiftung/ TREE Institut); P. Michels, D. Grommes (Dr. Reinold Hagen Stiftung); D. Grotenburg (Rikutec Engineering)
Considering the Local Anisotropy in Simulation Process Chain for Short and Long Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics
P. Reithofer, B. Jilka, H. Pothukuchi (4a engineering)
Interoperability in Multiphysical Development Processes
D. Friedemann, J. Rademann (HTW Berlin); B. Näser (BMW Group)
Mapping of Microstructure Information to FE-Meshes by Means of Computed Tomography
B. Lauterbach, P. Pinter (Volume Graphics)
Qualitative Study for Energy Consumption of Domestic Appliances
A. Naiknawarea, S. Sahoo, J. Chhatre, A. Shukla (Whirlpool)
How ICME Enables Microstructure as a Design Parameter for Optimal Plastic Components
P. Hebert, B. Alsteens (e-Xstream engineering, part of Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence division)
Omnis – Gateway to Exchange Data Betweens Tools
Y. Baux. M. Pottiez, O. Arduini, V. Sotiaux (Numeca International)
Presentations subject to alterations.
VMAP is a vendor-neutral standard for CAE data storage to enhance interoperability in virtual engineering workflows. The project is funded by national research agencies from Austria, Netherlands, Germany and Canada.
More information
Conference language
Delegate Fee
Attendance is free since this is now a virtual conference and the VMAP project is able to subsidise all participants (experts, engineers, developers and practitioners in the field). Registration is required to attend the sessions free of charge so please use the form below.
NAFEMS Membership
If you are interested in membership please contact Mr. Paul Steward ( Please find also information at
Conference Organisation
NAFEMS Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz GmbH
Griesstraße 20, D-85567 Grafing b. München
Phone: +49 176 217 984 01, Fax: +49 3 22 11 08 99 13 41,
Event Type: User Conference
Member / Non-Member Price: Free
Start Date
End Date
19 Oct. 2020 20 Oct. 2020 Online
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