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Event Overview

Welcome to Practicalities of Analysing Composite Materials

Tuesday 5th December 2023 | Coventry, UK | Seminar


10:30Introduction & Welcome
Olivia Stodieck, Dapta Ltd
1​0:40C​omposites Perspectives : Engineering Transformations
Mike Hinton, National Composites Centre
1​1:10I​mportant Issues in Modelling the Response and Failure of Fibre-reinforced Composites
Michael Wisnom, University of Bristol
11:40Refreshment Break
12:00O​ptimisation of CFRP Lay-ups for Spacecraft Honeycomb Panels
Lydia Cabezudo Carrascal, Airbus
12:30E​lectromagnetic Simulations for Composite Materials
George De Bolla, Jaguar Land Rover
13:00Lunch Break
14:00S​imulating Composites Manufacturing Processes
Stephen Hallett, University of Bristol
14:30Finite Element Modelling of Very Large Composite Aircraft Wings
Silvestre Pinho, Imperial College London
15:00Simulation Tools Developed for Next Generation Wing Production
Eoin Simon, National Composites Centre
15:30Closing Remarks