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Event Overview

Welcome to The Challenges of New Advanced Simulation Techniques

Thursday 16 November 2023 | Madrid, Spain | Seminar

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Welcome by NAFEMS Iberia
Juan Luis de la Gándara Verano


Update on NAFEMS activities
Tim Morris

14:45Quantum Computing CFD simulations for aeronautical heat exchangers
Giulio Malinverno (FIMAC S.p.A.) and Javier Blasco Alberto, Jon Lecumberri SanMartin (Universidad de Zaragoza)
15:05Empowering Engineering Organizations with Deep Learning: Applications to a faster transition towards electrification for Automotive OEMs and Suppliers - Heat Exchanger optimization
Lorenz Frey, Pierre Baqué, Kosmas Kritikos and Thomas Von Tschammer (Neural Concept, Switzerland)
15:25Convergence of Machine Learning and Finite Element methods, the smart superelements
Ismael Sanchez Ramos (Hexagon MI, Spain), Jean-Daniel Lecuyer (Hexagon MI, France), Tony Favaloro (Hexagon MI, United States) and Bruce de Witt (Portalliance, France)
15:45Hybrid Digital Twin for monitoring and tuning gas treatment unit
Nina Moëllo (DATADVANCE)
16:05Coffee break
16:50Improved Damage Criticality Analysis for Aerostructures by combining Simulation and Machine Learning
Rocío Seltzer Bercovich (Airbus)
17:10Punching Tool Wear monitoring at the Edge
Jukka Junttila, Kalle Raunio, Petteri Kokkonen, Olli Saarela (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.)
17:30Distinguishing elements in numerical simulation today
Carmen García, Ángel Fajardo and Adrián García (CADE Soluciones de Ingeneria, S.L.)
17:50Leveraging GPU hardware for automotive acoustic design
Alessandra Verza and Liam McManus (Siemens Digital Industries Software)
18:10Open Discussion and Q&A
18:25Closure by NAFEMS Iberia