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Mooney Abstract

Virtual Subject Matter Experts

Shane Mooney, Kinetic Vision, USA


Kinetic Vision, a pioneer in simulation and data science, presents a novel solution to a critical industry challenge: making the knowledge and expertise of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) readily accessible.

Kinetic Vision's Virtual SME options range from simple mermaid diagrams to digital avatars or chatbots trained on relevant data, helping to supplement an SME's knowledge and decision-making capabilities. This democratizes expertise by providing on-demand access to expert guidance, reducing training costs, and improving consistency, quality, and efficiency.

While custom-built LLMs represent the most advanced form, Kinetic Vision explores readily available technologies as lower entry points for implementing Virtual SMEs.

Using simulation data and simulation scenarios as an example, we showcase a practical application of a Virtual SME, illustrating its capabilities and delving into the development process and technologies employed.

As consultants, we have the point of view of many different end users, companies, and scenarios.The final section of the presentation uses this perspective to share challenges, risks, and concerns we often face on the topic of Virtual SME creation and management.