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FKM Fracture Mechanics (English)

FKM Fracture Mechanics

Forschungskuratorium Maschinenbau
/ Research Committee Mechanical Engineering

15 April 2025, online

9​am - 5:30 pm CET (Central European Summer Time), UTC+2 (Berlin)

Language: English

This training course covers the ”FKM-Guideline Fracture Mechanics” for static and cyclic loading. Besides the detailed assessment procedures, background on the individual topics will be given for better understanding about the procedures. The course is aimed at newcomers in the field as well as experts interested in the concept of the guideline.

The FKM guideline is a standard developed by the Forschungskuratorium Maschinenbau (Research Committee for Mechanical Engineering) – FKM - for static and cyclic strength verification. Due to its broad applicability, the strength verification has become widely used in mechanical engineering and other industries.

C​ourse Contents

Introductory remarks
Background information and overview of the guideline
Basics on fracture mechanical concepts
Linear elastic vs. elastic-plastic fracture mechanics
Failure assessment diagrams
Static vs. cyclic loading
Assessment concept of the guideline

Input quantities and modelling
Stress state
Material properties

Computational Procedures
Static loading
Cyclic loading
Advanced topics

Proof concept
Safety margins and reserve factors, sensitivity analysis, probabilistic analysis

Course Agenda


  • Introductory remarks
    Background information and overview of the guideline
  • Basics on fracture mechanical concepts
    Linear elastic vs. elastic-plastic fracture mechanics
    Failure assessment diagrams
    Static vs. cyclic loading
    Assessment concept of the guideline


  • Input quantities and modelling
    Stress state
    Material properties


  • Computational Procedures
    Static loading
    Cyclic loading
    Advanced topics


  • Proof concept
    Safety margins and reserve factors, sensitivity analysis, probabilistic analysis
  • Applications


Event Type Training Course
Member Price £583.51 | $755.80 | €700.00
Non-member Price £825.25 | $1068.91 | €990.00


Start Date End Date Location
15 Apr 202515 Apr 2025Online, Online


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klemens Rother
University of Applied Sciences Munich, Germany

Engineering Degree in Mechanical Engineering / Doctoral thesis in analytical fatigue assessment of multiaxial, non-proportional stress states

Prof. Rother has over 20 years of industrial experience in responsible positions: design and qualification in transportation systems, pressure vessel design, consulting in computational engineering, software development and development and implementation of knowledge based systems.

M​ore information:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klemens Rother (


9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Login phase from 8:30 am.
Time zone: CET (Central European Summer Time), UTC+2 (Berlin)


Course Fee
Non NAFEMS members: 700 Euro / person*
NAFEMS member: 990 Euro / person*
Included in the fees are digital course notes in English language and a certificate.
* plus VAT if applicable.

NAFEMS membership fees (company)
A standard NAFEMS site membership costs 1,365 euros per year, an academic site and entry membership costs 855 euros per year.

Cancellation Policy
Up to 6 weeks before course starts: free of charge;
up to one week before: 75 %;
later and no show: 100 %.

Course cancellation
If not enough participants we keep the right to cancel the course one week before. The course can be canceled also in case of disease of the speakers or force majeure. In these cases the course fees will be returned.

Organisation / Contact

Accreditation Policy

The course is agreed and under control of NAFEMS Education and Training Working Group (ETWG).