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Online Form Guidance

PSE Certification


Online Form Guidance

This section details the various items of information that applicants must supply within the online form in order to demonstrate the appropriate PSE competencies.

Personal Details

Applicants are asked to provide the following details, it is preferable that personal contact details are provided as PSE Certification is your own personal qualification and is transferable if you change employment. In addition if you are successful in your application your copy of the industry magazine “benchmark” will be sent to your home address.

  • Surname (Family Name)
  • Other Names (Forenames/First Names)
  • Title (please select from the drop down list provided)
  • Home Address
  • Home telephone number
  • Cell / Mobile phone number
  • Personal email address

Applicants are asked to provide current employment details including:

  • Position currently held
  • Organisation / company name
  • Business postal address
  • Business telephone number
  • Work email address


Although a degree is not mandatory, applicants must possess the foundation knowledge of a first degree or equivalent. They are generally expected to have undertaken a minimum level of further training and attendance at courses, seminars and workshops aimed at increasing general background engineering knowledge and, especially, the knowledge of the theory associated with numerical analysis and its application to practical engineering problems.

Some applicants may satisfy the pre-requisites of the underpinning knowledge required for certification through their other experience.

The following information is required:

  • Title of award, e.g. BSc Hons, Dipl. Ing, BTec, etc.
  • Subject title of degree/diploma, etc.
  • Grade or class of degree/diploma, etc.
  • Date the award was completed/given.
  • Name of the establishment who granted the award.

Career Summary

A summary of the applicant’s career is also required, including:

  • Date started in the role and date position left. For current role, state ‘to date’.
  • The job title, occupation or position held during that time.
  • A brief list of bullet points detailing the main activities and responsibilities for each role.
  • Organisation / company name.
  • Type of business / industry sector.
  • Employer postal address.
  • Employer telephone number.
  • Company website.

Add separate entries for each relevant post occupied, starting from the most recent position by using the 'add' button on the form.

Simulation Experience

PSE Certification requires applicants to demonstrate that they are competent in the Technical Areas that they have requested to be included in the scope of their certification. At the heart of the system is a requirement that these competencies have been developed in an industrial environment.

Applicants are required to record their relevant simulation experience in the application form. Each item of simulation experience should be linked to the Technical Areas in which they are seeking certification.
The information supplied in this table should be sufficient to satisfy the PSE Assessors that the competencies claimed by the applicant are reasonable in terms of "Technical Area(s)" and "level selected".
For Standard and Advanced level applications significant industrial experience is required to support a certification. PSE Certification at Standard or Advanced level cannot be made on the basis of a single project, lasting for a few weeks


Technical Areas Claimed

The decision to apply for certification in a particular Technical Area should be based on the candidate's ability to demonstrate the high level capabilities described in Referees & Capabilities webpage. These behaviours should be underpinned by substantial industrial practice.
Select the Technical Area and the level that is being claimed (Entry, Standard or Advanced). A series of statements will then appear that describe the skills and abilities that the applicant should possess in order to gain certification. The applicant is required to specify which referee they would like NAFEMS to contact to confirm that the candidate has the required skill and abilities.

A maximum of 4 Technical Areas can be assessed during the course of a normal interview. If more than 4 Technical Areas are being claimed then additional certification interviews will be required to process the full application (see the “Application Fees” for further information).

An initial PSE Certification application must contain one of the core technical areas.