Engineering Simulation Techniques:

Outstanding Undergraduate Project Award

Awarded by the IMechE and NAFEMS




Open to everyone completing a project that involves engineering simulation techniques such as finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics, or multibody dynamics.

This initiative is jointly organised by the STMG- Structural Technology and Materials Group of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - and the NAFEMS UK Steering Committee.

The award is aimed at those studying an undergraduate degree accredited by the IMechE, and who are completing a project that involves the use of engineering simulation techniques such as finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics or multi-body dynamics.

To participate, simply submit an electronic summary of your project report (approximately 300 -1000 words), along with contact details, the online submission form simply needs to be completed here.

The submission must adhere to the awards rules and regulations the project summary will be assessed by our panel of expert judges.

The deadline for nominations is 31st July 2025

S​ubmit Your Project



C​ongratulations to our winners of 2023/2024 Award

Engineering Simulation Techniques: Outstanding Project Award 2019/2020

1st Prize
Farheen Muhammed from University of Oxford
"Microbubble Generation Using an Acousto-fluidic Device"

2nd Prize
Nathanael Jenkins from Imperial College London
"Numerical Simulation of the Lightning Swept Stroke for the Zoning of Unconventional Aircraft"


With over 115,000 members in 140 countries, the IMechE have been at the heart of the UK mechanical engineering profession since 1847.

Throughout the constantly evolving work of mechanical engineers, one institution has been at the heart of the world’s most important and dynamic industries since its formation in 1847. Today, working hard to support their 115,000 members, the Institution is the market leader among professional engineering bodies. It is a go-ahead organization with global reach that truly represents and reflects the profession: encouraging professional registration and long-term career development.