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Found 520 results, Showing Page 1 of 52

Title Type Author
Application of machine learning for reduce modelling. Calibration of a 1D ventilation model of a complex road tunnel networkPresentationde Kluijver. F López de Arriba. A Sanz. J Berges. J Martínez. M
Introduction to Practical CFDTraining CourseFouladi. K
Complex Pressure-Related Flow Phenomena in CFDOn-Demand CourseFouladi. K
Elements of Turbulence ModelingTraining CourseFouladi. K
Quantum Computing, PDEs, and Expected Quantum Advantage for Simulating Classical Dynamical SystemsWebinarJennings. D
Quantum Computing, PDEs, and Expected Quantum Advantage for Simulating Classical Dynamical SystemsPresentationJennings. D
Benchmark July 2024 – Life in SimulationMagazineNAFEMS
Low Reynolds number pressure-flow analysis across a valve: Comparison between three-point and multipoint gap functions with CFD resultsJournal ArticleGopinathan. A Vipin Dev. V Jithu Raj. R Subhash Kumar. M Sukanya. L Muraleedharan. C
Validation for the Simulation of Stirred Tank ReactorsPresentationRollier. E Mutlyashki. D
Einsatz von Sensitivitätsanalysen zur Entscheidungsfindung basierend auf CFD ModellenPresentationBetz. W Papaioannou. I Straub. D