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Why Do Multi-Physics Analysis?

The intention of this book is to provide experienced engineers and project managers with an overview of the potential of multi-physics analysis.

The authors and co-authors attempt to illustrate the variety of application fields and the mixture of ‘mono-physics’ simulation disciplines which can be combined to give a multiphysics analysis.

Examples from various areas of research and industrial practice will show the necessity and the applicability of a multi-physics analysis. Without going into the details of the physical and numerical modelling, the reader should be able to obtain some idea of each of the multi-physics cases described and, hopefully, be able to apply some of these ideas to their own problem.

The objective of this book is not to specify details of the technical solutions for effecting multi-physics simulations, but to motivate the user to consider  multidisciplinary simulations relevant to their own working environment.

Our examination of the feasibility and applicability of multi-physics processes in this booklet are primarily restricted to the classical disciplines of continuum mechanics and its combinations:

  • structural analysis and thermodynamics,
  • fluid mechanics,
  • acoustics,
  • electro-magnetism.

Most examples cited in this booklet refer to numerical simulations using grid based discretisations.


1. Overview

1.1 Who Should Read this Booklet?
1.2 Who has Written this Booklet?
1.3 What Multi-Physics Applications are Discussed in this Booklet?
1.4 Structure of this Booklet

2 Introduction to Mono-Physics and Multi-Physics Analysis

2.1 Multi-Physics and Mono-Physics, Definitions, Introduction
2.2 Multi-Physics and Mono-Physics in Continuum Mechanics
2.3 Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Chemistry
2.4 Fluid-Structure Interactions
2.5 Classification Approach for Multi-Physics Analysis
2.6 Numerical Methods for Multi-Physics Applications
2.7 References

3. Requirements and Applications from End-Users

3.1 Fluid-Structure-Interaction for Design of Static Mixers
3.2 Fluid Structure-Interaction in Pipeline Systems
3.3 Fluid-Structure Interaction in Wind-Engineering
3.4 Thermal Coupling in Turbines
3.5 Coupled Analysis for Ultrasound Inspection
3.6 Why is Multi-physics Simulation so Important for Schneider Electric?
3.7 The Electric Arc
3.8 Multi-physics Analysis for Chemical Vapour Deposition
3.9 Coupled Components in Climate Models
3.10 Coupled Stamping-Crash-Analysis
3.11 References

4. Concepts and Solution Environments

4.1 Multi-discipline physical simulation with ABAQUS
4.2 Multi-Physics Solutions and Fluid-Structure Interactions using FLUENT Software
4.3 MpCCI - A general concept for code coupling
4.4 Multi-physics Code PHYSICA
4.5 Multi-physics Simulations Using ANSYS
4.6 Single Solution Environments versus Coupled Solutions
4.7 Multi-Physics Interactions: What? – Where? – When?
4.8 Further Modelling Items for Multi-Physics Analysis
4.9 Some Technical Items for Code Coupling

5. Status and Outlook

5.1 Status
5.2 Outlook

6. Appendix - Selected literature on Multi-Physics Analysis

6.1 Introduction
6.2 Coupling Basics and Algorithms
6.3 Interpolations
6.4 Moving Meshes
6.5 Further Reading

Document Details

AuthorsWolf. K Dehning. C
AudiencesAnalyst Manager
Date 1st January 2006


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