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Fatigue Benchmarks

The NAFEMS Education and Training Working Group wishes to commission a new book on “Fatigue Benchmarks”

Intended Readership

This book should be aimed at a graduate level industrial user who is familiar with basic linear FE analysis, but is inexperienced in advanced FE analysis where fatigue life is analysed.


The book should cover benchmarks demonstrating the use of modern FE software to analyse fatigue problems and fatigue life methods. The following topics are expected to beincluded:

  • Life prediction methods
  • When to use Safe-life, strain-life and damagetolerant approaches
  • Crack propagation criteria
  • Linear and non-linear material behaviour
  • Variable amplitude loading
  • Multi-axial stress states
  • Non-zero mean stresses
  • Thermal fatigue

What constitutes a good benchmark can be summarised asfollows:

  • The benchmark should be devised to verify the reliability, robustness and accuracy of the FE code.
  • The problem must have a reliable reference solution; ideally a closed form analytical solution or alternatively a reliablenumerical solution. The limitations or assumptions used in the reference solution must be stated.
  • Data input needed to define the benchmark should be kept to a minimum so that lengthy data generation is avoided.
  • Ideally, the benchmark should have some educational merit, in order to provide teaching material on particular aspectsof fatigue life through a case study.
  • Whenever possible, the benchmark should reflectreal-life fatigue applications.
  • The objectives of the benchmark, and the features it is devised to test should be clearly stated.


The total cost is not expected to exceed £7,000.

It is expected that the book will be completed within 12months from NAFEMS approval.


Potential authors should submit the following:

  • A brief description of the main topics to be covered
  • Chapter and section headings with an approximate number of pages per chapter
  • Timescale for completing the book
  • Cost
  • CVs of the authors (Maximum two-pages per author)

Proposal should be sent to NAFEMS at for a 1st of July 2018 submission deadline.

Further details are available from the NAFEMS office orby contacting the Chairman of the ETWG