- hemispherical thin shell with pressure
- hemispherical thin shell with pinch load
- cylindrical shell regular mesh with edge moment
- cylindrical shell regular mesh with pressure
- cylindrical shell distorted mesh with edge moment
- cylindrical shell distorted mesh with pressure
- spherical shell regular mesh with inextensional bending
- catenoidal shell with pressure
- catenoidal shell regular mesh with inextensional bending
- catenoidal shell distorted mesh with inextensional bending
- cylinder/sphere with pressure
- circular paraboloid with gravity load
- Z-section cantilever folded plate with torsional bending
- Z-section cantilever folded plate with beam bending
- hyperbolic axisymmetric shell with edge load
- hyperbolic axisymmetric shell with pressure
- hyperbolic axisymmetric shell with harmonic edge load
- axisymmetric catenoidal shell with pressure
- axisymmetric cylindrical shell with edge load
- axisymmetric cylindrical shell with gravity load
- axisymmetric stiffened cylinder with pressure
- axisymmetric cylinder/sphere with variable thickness and pressure
- axisymmetric cylinder/sphere with constant thickness and pressure
- axisymmetric shell with pressure
- axisymmetric branched shell with pressure
Available From
- three-layer sandwich shell under normal pressure loading
- solutions for a set of patch tests for shells with zero and positive Gaussian curvature
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