- plane strain with perfect plasticity
- plane strain with isotropic hardening
- plane strain comparing kinematic and isotropic hardening
- plane stress with perfect plasticity
- plane stress with isotropic hardening
- with perfect plasticity
- with isotropic hardening
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- with kinematic hardening and thermal load in one bar only, to test elastic shakedown
- with kinematic hardening and larger thermal load amplitude, to test alternating plasticity
- with kinematic hardening and thermal load in both bars, to test different elastic shakedown in each bar
- with perfect plasticity and thermal load in one bar only, to test thermal ratcheting
- with kinematic hardening, to test elastic/plastic shakedown and cyclic plastic strain accumulation
- with perfect plasticity, testing the solution towards the limit load
- with isotropic bilinear hardening
- with simply supported edges, testing the solution towards the limit load
- with clamped edges, testing the solution towards the limit load
- with both elastic-plastic and creep behaviour over 4 stages; non-proportional loading
- with perfect plasticity, testing ratcheting and alternating plasticity
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