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German Magazin

NAFEMS Magazin

ISSN 2311-522X

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NAFEMS Online Magazine, Issue 70 published on 20 June 2024

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In 2005, NAFEMS launched "Magazin", an online publication in the German language, specifically aimed at the analysis community in the DACH region.

The 70th edition of the NAFEMS Online-Magazine with technical reports, information on upcoming events and trainings etc. is now available for free download.

The German-language magazine is published four times a year and is aimed at users of numerical simulation methods and related areas: FEM, CFD, MKS, VR, process simulation, SDM. Technical articles in this issue are:


Einsatz von Sensitivitätsanalysen zur Entscheidungsfindung basierend auf CFD Modellen
W. Betz (Eracons GmbH); I. Papaioannou, D. Straub (Eracons GmbH / Technische Universität München)


Automatisierte Approximation von CAE-Signal- und Feld ergebnisgrößen mit Methoden des Maschinellen Lernens
T. Most, L. Gräning (Ansys Germany GmbH); S. Wolff (Ansys Austria GmbH); K. Cremanns (PI Probaligence GmbH)


Automatisierung des Schweißnahtnachweises an FE-Modellen
W. Feickert, T. Schlitzer, J. Knichel, T. Kirchhoff (ihf Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH)


ML-basiertes Auslegungstool für Leistungselektronikkühler auf Basis von CFD-Simulationsdaten
S. Spring, A. Sehlinger, D. Plein, H. Plooij (Tplus Engineering GmbH)

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We would like to thank our sponsors and advertisers. Only in this way is it possible for us to make the magazine available free of charge and thus further promote the safe and reliable use and dissemination of numerical simulation technologies.


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