A complete listing of all NAFEMS publications can be found in this chapter. The publications are ordered by reference number, and the information includes author(s), title and the year of issue. Some documents have been published with the author listed as “NAFEMS”. Some issue dates of older documents are not known, in which case the words “no date” appear. There are 167 documents altogether excluding the periodical “Benchmark”.
HT0, Baguley, D, and Hose, D R, Why Do Finite Element Analysis?, 1994.
HT01, Baguley, D, and Hose, D R, How To Understand Finite Element Jargon, 1994.
HT02, Baguley, D, and Hose, D R, How To Choose a Finite Element Analysis System, 1994.
HT03, Tyrrell, R J, How To Buy Finite Element Analysis Services, 1993.
HT04, Baguley, D, and Hose, D R, How To Choose a Finite Element Pre- and Post-Processor, 1994.
HT05, Baguley, D, and Hose, D R, How To Get Started with Finite Elements, 1994.
HT06, Baguley, D, and Hose, D R, How To Plan a Finite Element Analysis, 1994.
HT07, Baguley, D, and Hose, D R, How To Model with Finite Elements, 1997.
HT08, Baguley, D, and Hose, D R, How To Interpret Finite Element Results, 1997.
HT09, NAFEMS, How To Integrate CAD & Analysis, 1996.
HT10, Tyrrell, R J, How To Get Started in Acoustics Analysis, 1998.
HT11, Prior, A M, Why Do Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis?, 1998.
HT12, Goult, R, and Greenfield, D, How To Use STEP Geometry for Engineering Analysis, 1999.
HT13, Marks, L, Tips and Workarounds for CAD Generated Models, 1999.
HT14, Ransing, R S, Hardy, S J, and Gethin, D T, How To Undertake Finite Element Based Thermal Analysis, 1999.
HT15, Konter, A, How To Undertake Contact & Friction Analysis, 2000.
HT17, Bishop, N, W, M, and Sherratt, F, How To do Fatigue Calculations, 2000.
HT18, Hellen, T K, How To Undertake Fracture Mechanics Analysis with Finite Elements, 2001.
HT19, Crocombe, A D, How To Tackle Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis, 2001.
HT20, Spicer, D, Why Do Design Optimisation?, 2002.
HT21, Anderson, R, How To Undertake Creep Analysis with Finite Elements, 2001.
HT22, Shaw, C T, Why Do Computational Fluid Dynamics?, 2002.
HT23, Shaw, C T, How to Get Started with Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2002.
HT24, De Souza, A, How To Plan a CFD Analysis, 2002.
HT25, Marsden, W, and Irving, D J, How To Analyse Composites, 2002.
HT26, De Souza, A, How To Understand Computational Fluid Dynamics Jargon, 2003.
HT27, Mar, A, How To Undertake Finite Element Based Geotechnical Analysis, 2002.
HT28, Hellen, T K, How to Use Elements Effectively, 2003.
HT29, Becker, A A, Why Do Boundary Element Analysis?, 2004.
HT30, Oyadiji, S O, How to Analyse the Static and Dynamic Response of Viscoelastic Components, 2004.
HT31, Adams, V, How To Manage Finite Element Analysis in the Design Process, 2006.
HT32, Lea, C J, How to Ensure that CFD for Industrial Applications is Fit for Purpose, 2010.
HT33, Dehning, C, and Wolf, K, Why Do Multi-Physics Analysis?, 2006.
HT34, Hellen, T K, How To Use Beam, Plate and Shell Elements, 2007.
HT35, Lea, C J, and Gobeau, N C H, How To Undertake a Smoke Movement Analysis in Complex Enclosed Spaces Using CFD, 2007.
HT36, Cooper, P, Hoby, P, and Prinja, N, How To do Seismic Analysis Using Finite Elements, 2007.
HT37, Thacker, B H, Why Do Probabilistic Finite Element Analysis?, 2008.
HT38, Marks, L, Tips and Workabouts for CAD-Generated Models, 2008 (Revision of HT13) .
HT39, Kok-Cheong Tang and Ellis, D, Why Do Electromagnetic Finite Element Analysis?, 2009.
HT40, Raghavan, K S and Koshy, A, How to Analyse Practical Problems using FE Software - Volume 1, 2010.
HT41, Rampalli, R, Ferrarotti, G & Hoffmann, M, Why Do Multi-Body System Simulation?, 2012.
P01, Robinson, J, Basic And Shape Sensitivity Tests for Membrane and Plate Bending Finite Elements, 1985.
P02, Burrows, D J, Benchmark Tests in Thermal Stress Analysis Using Finite Element Methods, 1985.
P03, Crisfield, M A, Hunt, G W, and Duxbury, P G, Benchmark Tests for Solution Procedures for Geometric Non-Linearity, 1987.
P04, Kamoulakos, A, Hitchins, D, and Davies, G A O, Benchmark Tests for Various Finite Element Assemblies - Thin Shells, 1986.
P05, Kamoulakos, A, Davies, G A O, and Hitchins, D, Benchmark Tests for Various Finite Element Assemblies, 1986.
P06, Hinton, E, and Ezatt, M H, Fundamental Tests for Two and Three-Dimensional, Elastoplastic Small Strain Finite Element Analysis, 1987.
P07, Hitchins, D, Kamoulakos, A, and Davies, G A O, Linear Static Benchmarks - Vol. 1, 1987.
P08, Hitchings, D, Linear Static Benchmarks - Vol. 2, 1987.
P09, Abbassian, F, Dawswell, D J, and Knowles, N C, Free Vibration Benchmarks, 1987.
P10, Lyons, P, and Holsgrove, S, Finite Element Benchmarks for 2D Beams and Axisymmetric Shells Involving Geometric Non-Linearity, 1989.
P11, Robinson, J, A New Look At Element Shape Parameters, 1985.
P12, Morris, A, Shell Finite Element Evaluation Tests, 1985.
P13, Robinson, J, An Introduction to Hierarchical Displacement Elements and the Adaptive Technique, 1986.
P14, Robinson, J, Distortion Measures for Quadrilaterals with Curved Boundaries, 1987.
P15, Jakeman, R R, and White, P S, Review of Benchmark Problems for Non-Linear Material Behaviour, 1987.
P16, Cameron, A D, Casey, J A, and Simpson, G B, Benchmark Test for Thermal Analysis (Summary Report), 1986.
P18, NAFEMS, The Standard NAFEMS Benchmarks, 1990.
R0001, Hose, D R, and Rutherford, I A, Benchmarks for Finite Element Pre-Processors, 1993.
R0003, Taig, I C, Finite Element Analysis of Composite Materials, 1992.
R0005, Aas, J, Data Exchange in Finite Element Analysis - A Functional Requirement Specification, 1992.
R0006, Davies, G A O, Fenner, R T, and Lewis, R W, NAFEMS Background to Benchmarks, 1992.
R0007, Leal, D, STEP FEA Project Meeting, 1992.
R0008, White, P S, and Lowe, M J S, Case Studies in Non-Linear Analysis, 1990.
R0009, Knowles, N C, A Review of Benchmark Problems for Geometric Non-Linear Behaviour of 3D Beams and Shells, 1992.
R0010(S), Lyons, P, and Holsgrove, S, Finite Element Benchmarks for 2D Beams and Axisymmetric Shells Involving Geometric Non-Linearity (Summary), circa 1990.
R0012, Burrows, D J, and Enderby, L, Shape Measuring Criteria and the Establishment of Benchmark Tests for Single Membrane Elements (Summary), 1993.
R0013, NAFEMS, Quality System Supplement to BS EN ISO 9001 Relating to Engineering Analysis in the Design and Integrity Demonstration of Engineered Products, 1999.
R0014(S), Pang, H J L, and Leggatt, R H, 2D Test Cases in Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (Summary), circa 1990.
R0015, Abbassian, F, Dawswell, D J, and Knowles, N C, Selected Benchmarks for Natural Frequency Analysis, 1987.
R0016, Maguire, J, Dawswell, D J, and Gould, L, Selected Benchmarks for Forced Vibration, 1989.
R0017, Hitchings, D, ed, A Finite Element Dynamic Primer, 1992.
R0018, Hinton, E, ed, NAFEMS Introduction to Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis, 1992.
R0019, Pickering, A N, and Ricketts, D C, NAFEMS Workbook of Examples, circa 1990.
R0020, Pang, H J L, and Leggatt, R H, 2D Test Cases in Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics, circa 1990.
R0021, Spence, P W, and Kenchington, C J, Role of Damping in Finite Elements, 1993.
R0022, Crisfield, M A, A Review of Contact and Friction in Finite Element Analysis, 1992.
R0023(S), Spence, P W, and Kenchington, C J, Role of Damping in Finite Elements (Summary Report), 1993.
R0024(S), Prinja, N K, and Clegg, R A, Assembly Benchmark Tests for 3D Beams & Shell Exhibiting Geometric Non-Linear Behaviour (Summary), 1993.
R0025, Mottershead, J E, Finite Element Analysis of Contact and Friction - A Survey, 1993.
R0026, Linkens, D, Selected Benchmarks for Material Non-Linearity - Volume 1, 1993.
R0027, Becker, A A, and Hyde, T H, Fundamental Tests of Creep Behaviour, 1993.
R0028, Judge, R C B, and Marsden, B J, Three Dimensional Test Cases in Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics, 1993.
R0029, Prinja, N K, and Clegg, R A, Assembly Benchmark Tests for 3D Beams & Shell Exhibiting Geometric Non-Linear Behaviour, 1993.
R0030, Linkens, D, Selected Benchmarks for Material Non-Linearity - Volume 2, 1993.
R0031, Hardy, S, Composite Benchmarks, 2001.
R0033, Beattie, G A, Management of Finite Element Analysis - Guidelines to Best Practice, 1995.
R0034, Rahman, A, and Petyt, M, Fundamental Tests for Forced Vibrations of Linear Elastic Structures, no date.
R0034(S), Rahman, A, and Petyt, M, Fundamental Tests for Forced Vibrations of Linear Elastic Structures (Summary), no date.
R0038, Remzi, E M, 2D Test Cases in Post Yield Fracture Mechanics, 1994.
R0039, SAFESA, SAFESA Quick Reference Manual, no date.
R0040, SAFESA, SAFESA Management Guidelines, no date.
R0041, SAFESA, SAFESA Technical Manual, no date.
R0042, Le Gouez, J M, Boheas, M A, and Miles, C J, Data Requirements for Analysis Modelling, 1995.
R0043, Bohms, H M, et al, The GEM Modelling Methodology, 1995.
R0044, Goult, R, Leal, D, and Helpenstein, H, A Guide to Shape Models & Relevant Resource Parts in STEP, 1995.
R0045, Miles, G, and Trace, S R, A Guide to Implementation Techniques, 1995.
R0046, Zilly, F, Specification of Demonstration Problems, 1995.
R0047, Helpenstein, H, et al, Improving Integration in Engineering Analysis, 1997.
R0048, Bohms, H M, et al, Report on Solution of Users’ Problems, 1997.
R0049, Becker, A A, Background to Material Non-Linear Benchmarks, 1998.
R0050, NAFEMS, Awareness Seminar Proceedings: “Non-Linear Analysis in Industrial Practice”, 1998.
R0051, NAFEMS, Awareness Seminar Proceedings: “Practical Problems and Solutions in Fracture Mechanics”, 1996.
R0060(S), Warman, E A, A Study of European Commission Funded Research that Incorporates the Use or Development of Continuum Solution Methods, circa 1998.
R0061, NAFEMS, Report on the Vendor Challenge, circa 1998.
R0063, NAFEMS, CFD Analysis: Guidance for Good Practice (Pack of 10), no date.
R0064, Smith, J, NAFEMS Quality Assurance Procedures for Engineering Analysis, 1999.
R0065, Becker, A A, Background to Finite Element Analysis of Geometric Non-linearity Benchmarks, 1999.
R0068, NAFEMS, Awareness Seminar Proceedings: “Finite Element Applications for Adaptive Structural Systems”, 1998.
R0069, NAFEMS, Workbook of CFD Examples, 2000.
R0071, Warrior, N A, and Durrant, J C, The Application of Finite Element Modelling to Pressure Vessel Design Codes, 2000.
R0072, NAFEMS, Introduction to Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis - Course Notes, 2000.
R0073, NAFEMS, Awareness Seminar Proceedings: “Advances in the Use of Numerical Fracture Mechanics”, 2000.
R0074, NAFEMS, Awareness Seminar Proceedings: “Industrial CFD and the Move Towards Coupled Analysis”, 1999.
R0075, Prinja, N, K, Use of Finite Element Analysis in the Design Process, 2000.
R0078, NAFEMS, Advanced Workbook of Examples (Volume 1), 2001.
R0079, Tucker, P G, and Mosquera, A, Introduction to Grid & Mesh Generation for CFD, circa 2000.
R0080, Becker, A A, Understanding Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis through Illustrative Benchmarks, 2001.
R0081, Feng, Q, and Prinja, N K, Benchmark Tests for Finite Element Modelling of Contact, Gapping and Sliding, 2001.
R0082, Vaughan, C, Product Data Management and The Engineering Analysis Environment, circa 2001.
R0083, Svobodnik, A J, Hofstetter, G, and von Estorff, O, Benchmarks for Radiation and Scattering of Sound, 2003.
R0084, Davies, G A O, Benchmarks for Composite Delamination, 2002.
R0085, Jacob, P, and Goulding, L, An Explicit Finite Element Primer, 2002 (referred to as EEP in the 2004 Roadmap ).
R0086, NAFEMS, Advanced Workbook of Examples and Case Studies (Volume 2), 2003.
R0087, Hellen, T K, A Roadmap of NAFEMS Documents, 2004.
R0088, Yaghi, A, and Becker, A A, State of the Art Review - Weld Simulation Using Finite Element Methods, 2005.
R0089, Wood, J, Procedural Benchmarks for Common Fabrication Details in Plate/Shell Structures, 2005.
R0090, NAFEMS, NAFEMS Awareness Seminar Proceedings - Porqué usar simulación en los procesos de desarrollo de product, 2005.
R0091, Prinja, N K, and Puri, A K, An Introduction to the Use of Material Models in FE, 2005.
R0092, Hopkins, P, Benchmarks for Membrane and Bending Analysis of Laminated Shells - Part 1. Stiffness Matrix and Thermal Characteristics, 2005.
R0093, Hopkins, P, Benchmarks for Membrane and Bending Analysis of Laminated Shells - Part 2. Strength Analysis, 2005.
R0094, Konter, A W A, Advanced Finite Element Contact Benchmarks, 2006.
R0095, Falzon, B G, and Hitchings, D, An Introduction to Modelling Buckling and Collapse, 2006.
R0096, Grau, M, State of the art Review in CAE Data Management, 2007.
R0097, NAFEMS, Current & Future Technologies in Automotive Engineering Simulation (CAE), 2008.
R0098, Adams, V, A Designer’s Guide to Simulation with Finite Element Analysis, 2008.
R0099, Smith, J M , Quality Management in Engineering Simulation: A Primer for NAFEMS QSS, 2008.
R0100, Chillery, M, Knowledge Base - Don't Forget the Basics, 2010.
R0101, Hellen, T K, A Guide to NAFEMS Documents, 2004 (Revised 2010).
R0102, SDM Working Group, Simulation Data Management Survey Report, 2012.
R0103, Hopkins, P, FEM Idealisation of Joints, 2012.
BMARK, benchmark Magazine, four issues per year.
FEP, NAFEMS, A Finite Element Primer, 1986.
GDS, NAFEMS, Guidelines to Finite Element Practice, 1992.
L001, NAFEMS & ASME,What is Verification and Validation?, 2009.
NAFRA, NAFEMS, Registered Analyst Booklet, occasional updates.
QSS001, Smith, J M, Engineering Simulation - Quality Management Systems – Requirements, 2007.
QAIC10A, FENET Meeting Proceedings, Malta, 17th – 20th May 2005, Summary of Project Findings, 2005.
CFDJ1, Ed Tucker, P G, International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 1, 1998..
CFDJ2, Ed Tucker, P G, International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 2, 2000
CFDJ3, Ed Tucker, P G, International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 3, 2001.
CFDJ4, Ed Green, A, International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 4, 2004.
CFDJ5, Ed Green, A, International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 5, November 2005.
CFDJ6, Ed Green, A, International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 6, March 2007.
CFDJ7, Ed Green, A, International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 7, August 2008.
CFDJ8, Ed Green, A, International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 8, December 2009.
CFDJ9, Ed Green, A, International Journal of CFD Case Studies, Volume 9, June 2011.
QAIC2, NAFEMS, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference: Stratford-upon-Avon, 1989.
QAIC3, NAFEMS, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference: Stratford-upon-Avon, 1991.
QAIC4, NAFEMS, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference: Brighton, 1993.
QAIC5, NAFEMS, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference: Amsterdam, 1995.
QAIC6, NAFEMS, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference: Stuttgart, 1997.
QAIC7, NAFEMS, Proceedings of the NAFEMS World Congress: Newport, 1999.
QAIC8, NAFEMS, Proceedings of the NAFEMS World Congress : Lake Como, 2001.
QAIC9, NAFEMS, Proceedings of the NAFEMS World Congress : Orlando, 2003.
QAIC10, NAFEMS, Proceedings of the NAFEMS World Congress : Malta, 2005.
QAIC11, NAFEMS, Proceedings of the NAFEMS World Congress : Vancouver, 2007.
QAIC12, NAFEMS, Proceedings of the NAFEMS World Congress : Crete, 2009.
The following entries from the above list are no longer being published:
P11, R0013, R0050, R0051, R0068, QAIC2, QAIC3, QAIC4, R0034(S) and GDS.
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