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Georgia Tech’s Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory – Developing the Next Generation Workforce through Industry Collaboration

Established in 1992 by Professor Dimitri Mavris as a center for multi-disciplinary design and optimization, systems engineering, and technology assessments, the Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory (ASDL) has since grown to become one of the nation’s premier entities for aerospace systems and complex design. In this webinar, we will discuss how ASDL students engage in collaborative efforts with government agencies and industry organizations around the globe to take their education to the next level.


ASDL’s mission is to be an educational leader in advanced systems architecting, engineering, design, integration and operations, decision making, digital engineering, and large-scale virtual experimentation for complex system design.

ASDL aims to accomplish this by:

  • Training the next generation of highly qualified engineers for academia, industry, and government
  • Developing leading design methods suitable for the design of all types of complex systems
  • Providing a point of global dissemination for cutting-edge research to academia, industry, and government
  • Advocating for research fields critical to the continued maturation of industry

Document Details

AuthorDimitri MavrisOlivia Pinon Fischer
Date 8th April 2022
OrganisationAerospace Systems Design Laboratory


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