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Simulation - The Brains behind Digital Twins

With the digital revolution being upon us, the Internet of Things (IoT) is on the strategy canvas for most industrial companies. Interestingly, the concept of IoT first appeared on the Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies in 2011, together with technologies like 3D printing, Big Data, Social Analytics and Gamification. At that time, it was predicted that it would take five to ten years for IoT to reach mainstream adoption. Since then, IoT, and recently also Digital Twins, has continuously stayed on the curve and slowly moved towards the more mature phases. However, the estimated time to reach mainstream adoption for IoT and Digital Twins is still five to ten years. So, what is required for this technology to reach the plateau of productivity?

Document Details

AuthorHalvorsen. F
AudiencesManager Analyst Developer
TypeMagazine Article
Date 1st April 2018
OrganisationEDR Medeso


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