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Making HPC Technologies Accessible for SMEs

The FF4EuroHPC project is funded by the European Commission under the H2020 EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation with a total budget of €9.9 million. The project, scheduled to run for 36 months, was initiated in August 2020 and is coordinated by the University of Stuttgart (Germany) and supported by 5 other core partners: Arctur (Slovenia), CINECA (Italy), Galicia Supercomputing Center (CESGA, Spain), scapos AG (Germany) and Teratec (France).

This article appeared in the April 2023 Issue of BENCHMARK.

Document Details

AuthorsAlia. A Blazevic. N Črnigoj Marc. T Ramirez-Javega. D Antionio Russo. A
AudiencesAnalyst Manager
TypeMagazine Article
Date 1st April 2023


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