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Vendor Viewpoint - Generative Design

NAFEMS is a vendor-neutral organisation, however, we recognise that it is crucial to engage with the software vendor community as they develop the very methods and tools that we all use every day. To complement this issue on generative design, Ian Symington, NAFEMS Technical Officer, reached out to members of the NAFEMS Vendor Network to get their thoughts on the topic.

Document Details

AuthorsLaughlin. T Gambling. M Dagg. J Deppe. G Di Stefano. D Turchetto. M Mitchel. R Heers. B Shankar. R Symington. I
TypeMagazine Article
Date 13th June 2020
OrganisationsnTopology GRM Consulting Altair Engineering MSC ANSYS Simulia Siemens Digital Industries Software NAFEMS


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