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Why Do Manufacturing Simulation

A new title in NAFEMS 'Why Do series is due for publication in 2017. Why Do Manufacturing Simulation has been prepared by Trevor Dutton at the request of the Computational Structural Mechanics Working Group, recognising this to be an area of increasing interest amongst the analysis community. Since commissioning the book, the Manufacturing Simulation Working Group has been created and this new title naturally fits the remit of the new group.

In keeping with the 'Why Do...'” approach, the new book demonstrates why it is beneficial to carry out simulation of manufacturing processes, as part of the product development cycle. The book is aimed at engineers and managers who may be unfamiliar with the scope of manufacturing simulation methods but wish to understand the benefits to their products and processes. These benefits may be in the form of improved understanding of the process enabling more successful outcomes, optimisation of the process to ensure that the best quality product is produced at the lowest price, and a better understanding of the characteristics of the final component.

Document Details

AuthorDutton. T
TypeMagazine Article
Date 1st October 2016
OrganisationDutton Simulation


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