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Akustiksimulationen Mit Einem Adaptiven Fem Ansatz Fur Automobile Anwendungen: Vorbeifahr- Und Windgerausch

This presentation was made by K. Kucukcoskun, K. Vansant, H. Tielborger at the German-speaking NAFEMS 2016 German speaking conference held in Bamburg Germany on the 25th to the 27th of April 2016. 

The event focused on “calculation and simulation – applications, developments and trends”. 

The 3rd German-language NAFEMS Regional Conference offers you a unique, independent, neutral, comprehensive and comprehensive range of information on numerical simulation methods.

Document Details

AuthorsKucukcoskun. K Vansant. K Tielborger. H
Date 25th April 2016
OrganisationSiemens Digital Industries Software


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