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Increasing Product Reliability with Reduced Order Models

This presentation was held at the 2020 NAFEMS UK Conference "Inspiring Innovation through Engineering Simulation". The conference covered topics ranging from traditional FEA and CFD, to new and emerging areas including artificial intelligence, machine learning and EDA.

Resource Abstract

Designing reliable Electronics products require a thorough understanding of the systems performance subject to a wide range of environmental or end user requirements. Traditional design approaches with CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) are not well suited for understanding Temperature response of a system. Transient analysis with CFD is a slow process by today's design requirements. Fast Transient response is a method that has been used to accelerate the design process but hasn't been widely adopted by the thermal design community in part due to their Boundary Condition dependence. DCTM's (dynamic compact thermal model) represent another approach to reducing simulation time but there hasn't been a standardized or generalized approach to creating these models. DCTM's generally are not available. Reduced Order Modelling is an alternative approach to extracting a DCTM from a thermal simulation model. A BCI-ROM (Boundary Condition Independent Reduced Order Model) provides analysis speed, Boundary Condition Independence, and solution environment flexibility to facilitate the understanding of product reliability as related to temperature.

This presentation discusses the current approaches available for analyzing the temperature response of an electronic system and introduces a new method for BCI-RIM development. Examples shown will include a handheld device and IGBT subject to the UDDS: FTP-72 Drive Cycle for an Electric Vehicle.

Document Details

AuthorParry. J
TypePresentation Recording
Date 11th October 2020
OrganisationSiemens Digital Industries Software


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