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Supporting the Design of Composite Components using Multi-physics Simulations

This presentation was held at the 2020 NAFEMS UK Conference "Inspiring Innovation through Engineering Simulation". The conference covered topics ranging from traditional FEA and CFD, to new and emerging areas including artificial intelligence, machine learning and EDA.

Resource Abstract

MASCoTS will commercialise a novel composites technology, which allows the placement of carbon tapes along curved paths (fibre steering). Fibre steering drastically increases the structural performance of composites and can contribute significantly towards the targets set by the ATI on efficiency of aerostructures. The consortium focuses on Continuous Tow Shearing, the world's first automated deposition technology that can fibre-steer without defects. The aims are to optimise the existing machine for speed and reliability and develop the necessary design and analysis tools for the commercial use of the process, making the UK a pioneer in the novel field of fibre steering.

Document Details

AuthorStodieck. O
Date 11th September 2020


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