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Is it possible to predict the correct manufacturing in SLS technology? Verify the detail before you undertake the manufacturing process using 3D printing

The NAFEMS Eastern European 2020 Virtual Conference took place on the 23rd and 24th of September 2020. The event gave participants access to high level presentations in the field of structural mechanics, computational fluid dynamics, electromagnetics and discrete element methods.

Resource Abstract

In the case of additive manufacturing in SLS technology, we are able to predict geometric deformations of the workpiece such as elongation/shortening of the length of the element or its warpage. Unfortunately, we are not able to assess what are the geometric values of these deformations. To this end, we have partnered with EC Engineering, which is a distributor of the Digimat AM solution, to introduce a solution that will allow us to predict how our parts will behave during SLS manufacturing. This project (through mechanical and thermo-mechanical analysis) has led to a numerical distortion figure and how to design the parts to avoid defects at the manufacturing stage.

The presentation will present the use of Digimat AM tool to analyze the manufacturing process in SLS technology on the example of projects implemented in Technology Applied sp. z o.o.

Document Details

AuthorZakręcki. A
TypePresentation Recording
Date 23rd September 2020
OrganisationTechnology Applied
RegionEastern Europe


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